The Rendlesham Forest Incident, also known as 'Britain's Roswell', is undoubtedly one of the best documented and most significant military encounters with a Craft of Unknown Origin or UFO. It is also a case that involved very credible witnesses, trained (USAF) United States Air Force observers and security police.
The incident spanned three days in 1980. Rendlesham Forest is a large pine forest, east of Ipswich, in Suffolk, England. Nearby are the twin NATO air bases, RAF Bentwaters and RAF Woodbridge; at the time both bases were being leased to the United States Air Force. Several UFO incidents, including multiple-witness sightings by military personnel, ground traces, and radioactive anomalies were reported from Rendlesham forest.
According to USAF security patrolmen on duty, "the object was described as being metallic in appearance and triangular in shape, approx. 2-3 meters across the base... it illuminated the entire forest with a white light, and had a pulsing red light on top and a bank(s) of blue lights underneath." In November, 2002, the British Ministry of Defense released the "Rendlesham File" of documents related to and confirming the Rendlesham Forest incident.
The Rendlesham Forrest Incident
Suggestions for New Projects
· 2 replies
John Barras
Travis B
This would be a good target for much greater information.
Who sent the probe?
What are details/lifeforms of the planet it came from?
How did it send data back?
Or did it return to where it came for to deliver the information?
Where did it go to after Rendlesham?
What is it's mode of travelling?
This is not the "typical" UFO encounter. Let's project this.
Kevin G