I have been confused by some events I have been reasearching. I would like to know the origin of the race pf giants that once roamed the earth. Thier remains have been covered up by the smithsoinian. Why? Were these giants the offspring of human femalles and the IGIGI, the Annunaki that were on Mars, as I have been told. WHat was thier purpose and is the story of David and Goliath a historical acurate tale? There were red haired giants found all over North America.
Rage of giants IGIGI ANNUANKi
Suggestions for New Projects
· 1 reply
Kathryn Moxie
Susanne Helene
Very good suggestion!
I've always been fascinated by the existence ancient Giants. There is no shortage of archived news articles in the last couple hundred years telling of skeletons in excess of 7+ feet with double rows of teeth and extra digits on hands and feet.
Have you heard of the "Kandahar giant" from the early 2000s? I thought that would make a good time cross episode
Yes I have heard that story. Also during WW2 the Japanese and Americans encounterd cave giants in the south pacific.
Susanne Helene