Target: 4329-2594
View the overall target and describe or draw Subject A and Subject B.
No time limit. The goal is to get as much data as possible.
Please post a link to your results, so people are not directly exposed to it.
Target: 4329-2594
View the overall target and describe or draw Subject A and Subject B.
No time limit. The goal is to get as much data as possible.
Please post a link to your results, so people are not directly exposed to it.
Feel free to look into groups X and Y. I also added a subject C.
I tried to upload an audio about X and Y, it's having problems so for now I'll just put a brief text.
It felt that this disagreement, and ultimately altercation, and I don't know some compromise or reunification? Between X and Y, has a lot to do with time.
And it's sort of like a boundary around fair use of time. To illustrate the boundary I have to use another idea for comparison. Let's say you have two countries about the fair use of weapons. And one says you can't use nuclear weapons but you can use T&T as much as you want, the other one says that nuclear weapons is just an arbitrary line, it's meaningless and you should be allowed to use any weapon it's just about what ends you use it toward. Obviously there is no country arguing that you can't have weapons at all because where can you draw the line then? You can't have fingernails because they can scratch people? See what I mean?
The same goes for whether or not you should kill life. Do you stop at becoming a meat eater? Or do you stop at stepping on a blade of grass?
Anyways, back to X and Y, there's something about the use of time. X has a certain boundary and Y doesn't want to listen.
But where it leads to I don't know. It doesn't feel like the idea came out of my own mind. It does feel like it's from waaay back long ago.
I will reveal this target on February 28.
The viewer will perceive and describe the moment when Lawrence R. Spencer received the original documents the book "Alien Interview" is based on, or, if there are no such documents, the moment when he started to write the book.
The viewer will focus on the following subjects:
Subject A: Lawrence R. Spencer at the target time.
Subject B: The author of what Lawrence R. Spencer claims to be the personal notes of Matilda O'Donnell MacElroy in the moment when the notes were written.
Subject C: If Lawrence R. Spencer was not involved in the writing of the book "Alien Interview", the actual author of that book.
Final Thoughts:
Tazz somehow didn't want to or was unable to look into the subjects. He focused on groups X and Y instead. The reason could be that it's a protected target, or my tasking was bad. To be fair, I was assuming that Lawrence R. Spencer was involved in the reception of the documents or the writing of the book, but I totally missed the possibility that he was involved in none of the two. I added a subject C to cover that possibility, but there was not additional data provided.
Nonetheless, Tazz provided interesting data about groups X and Y, and there's a possibility that the book Alien Interview is part of a bigger "propaganda" effort or plan. The data doesn't feel off-target to me.
Yeah, it's funny I try to focus on actual motion exercises and I get the feeling like "this is something relevant but it's not subject A or B"
It's hard to verify anything, it's too bad I didn't land on something that connects directly to Lawrence or Matilda.
That was a great target and hopefully if it comes around again I'll have much more time.
The viewing does make me wonder if Airl is part of some time travel initiative... or probably auch advanced civilizations always have alternate timelines as a big part of the equation
"advanced civilizations always have alternate timelines as a big part of the equation"
The book established that Airl belongs to a group called "The Domain". From Farsight projects we know that the Domain is into creating religions as a "social science". They shape societies through religious belief, and this effort takes a lot of time.
"And one says you can't use nuclear weapons but you can use T&T as much as you want, the other one says that nuclear weapons is just an arbitrary line, it's meaningless and you should be allowed to use any weapon it's just about what ends you use it toward."
It's really interesting that you mention nuclear weapons. There's always nuclear weapons involved in one way or the other when the Domain comes into play. As I understand your data, the Domain could be group X. They don't cross the line when it comes to brute force, like throwing the mother of all bombs on people, but they seem to have no problem with "smoke and mirrors" (deception) to shape and control societies.
Relistening to your audio. At 2:33 you say:
"I pick up a male subject. There's NOTHING I can read on this male subject."
My first idea was you picked up Lawrence R. Spencer or the original author of the notes, but the subject is protected.
"... like the sparkly glitteriness is very pretty..."
My first idea was that the glitter is there to distract. The next thing you get is a grey type being. Could be the protector. You then put it aside as a deduction, which is the right move, and start to focus on the groups. You call it an "intersection", and a "clash of titans". It's as if your subspace mind shows you the bigger picture because it's as close to the target as you can get.
Which to me is a strong hint that Alien Interview is not just a work of fiction.