Target: 7824-3245
View the overall target and describe or draw Subject A and Subject B.
No time limit. The goal is to get as much data as possible.
Please post a link to your results, so people are not directly exposed to it.
Target: 7824-3245
View the overall target and describe or draw Subject A and Subject B.
No time limit. The goal is to get as much data as possible.
Please post a link to your results, so people are not directly exposed to it.
Target reveal in one week, on February 7.
No data provided so far.
Oh, I attempted this some time ago, but, papers are kind of scattered everywhere around here (same with the files on my computers) so I am still trying to do much clean-up. QQ
Yeah I'm hoping soon. I started getting exams and I'm trying to get through these damn prison planet obligations.
Time would be better-invested in dropping out of the public Fool-System.
I have various «conflicting» data within this session.
Anyway, you get what you get, because, I am neither that well-versed nor trained nor experienced in doing these Remote-Viewing Sessions, plus, I am dealing with various other forms of clutter.
I did the follow-up session. Now you need to explain to me how & where to fix all of my mistakes.
Yes, a lot of high-level data was included here, but, see the second sentence to this reply.
I will fix up the web-site stuff later on after I clean up my base-codes & templates.
@Aéius Cercle
You have been looking at subjects C, D, E, and F, while this target doesn't have these subjects. You mixed up the targets 7824-3245 and 9407-4137. I think that's the reason why you are getting conflicting data.
"papers are kind of scattered everywhere around here (same with the files on my computers)"
A certain kind of discipline and order is necessary for remote viewing. If you can't even get your papers in the right order, you should practice that first.
Meh. I applaud everyone who tries, I don't care how
True if you don't care about sharing your data. But if you share your data, it's disrespectful to the tasker and other people who want to learn from it when you can't even get your pages numbered and even mix up targets. You shouldn't share your data then.
Meh. The tasker can be disrespectful to me by picking lousy targets. I guess it depends on the playing field we're working on. If it's a website/ podcast with 1M+ subscribers, we better have our sh*t together. If it's a forum in the very waking stages of humanity that can barely get its head out of its ... let alone remote vuew, then I say let's not bother too much with meticulousness ... yet. Let's just try targets and maybe enjoy some stupidness along the way
The viewer will perceive and describe Farsight's November 2024 ET Board Meeting in the moment when Aziz started to talk about psychological operations.
The viewer will focus on the following subjects:
Subject A: The highest-ranking ET participating in the meeting at the target time.
Subject B: The highest-ranking leader or boss of Subject A.
Aéius provided drawings of 2 human looking subjects, but it's not clear wether to second subject is subject A or someone else. In his text file, he saw that subject A was a male, with some data pointing towards military.
At first I thought he mixed up the target with another one because he introduced 4 more subjects, but that's not the case. After reading his text file more carefully, it became clear that he focused on 2 dead subjects that he became aware of. It's possible that he picked up 2 random dead persons near the target. Another possibility is that he looked into the history of subject A, seeing an event where subject A participated in a murder.
If he is on target, the data supports the theory that Farsight is talking to military personnel, and they don't seem to be good guys.
Interestingly, he doesn't really look into subject B, but instead, assumes that subjects A and B are the murdered couple, which in my opinion is a false deduction.
The good guys, being military, could certainly be involved in the death of other subjects.
. . . military aren't carrying their shiny guns for showboating . . .
Interesting target. I look forward to more!
4 military guys killing a married couple can be explained away as necessary if the couple was attacking them. But most people wouldn't use words like "murder" and "throat-slitting" to describe an act of self-defense.
Normally, I want to do a significant-amount of meditation before doing Remote-Viewing Sessions, but, this one was both rushed and without any prior Long-Meditation, like I did with other targets.
I also need to make note here that Subject X.A and Subject X.B were the «murdered» that were being INVESTIGATED by Subjects A and Subjects B. I ended up re-naming them as Subject X.A and Subject X.B because it didn't make sense to call the «murdered» people Subject A and Subject B when Subject A and Subject B were the ones who came across Subjects X.A and X.B
This should make more sense now. I didn't really go that much into Subjects A or B.
Mostly what Subject A was investigating when Subject A found Murder-Subjects X.A and X.B
I really went off on a «Tangent» here and there are these most-likely possibilties...:
1) I produced garbage-data due to a lack of prior long-meditation
2) The target was cross-contaminated some-how for some reason (with Front-Loading)
3) Something caused me to become interested more in the investigation-targets.
4) I was simply way off-target (even the best remote-viewers are said to hit only around 50%).
One thing that I notice about Remote-Viewing is that, when I am able to remember any dreams that I had the previous night in-detail, I tend to get much better & accurate results with Remote-Viewing; over the past few weeks I haven't really had much in the way of memory retention since it's been a bit of a struggle to try and juggle Long-Meditation and Long-Chi-Gung-Breathing into my non-routine for a variety of reasons... that is what is currently lacking: Aziz Brown did say that the E.T.'s emphasized «Discipline and Routine» for one's Psychic-Abilities to really be honed and manifested.
Re: Target-Reveal
The «wording» for the «Tasking» of this «Target» actually comes across to me as somewhat rather vague & ambiguous. If I were «Tasking» this for others I would most-likely have worded it as follows...:
The Remote-Viewer shall accurately perceive the physical-appearance of two different Subjects: Subject A & Subject B; Subject A & Subject B were claimed to be present at the time of the November 2024CE E.T. Board-Meeting from the FarSight-Institute.
Subject A: The physical-appearance of the highest-ranking E.T. who was present at the meeting at the time when Aziz Brown started to talk about Psy-Ops (Psychological-Operations).
Subject B: The physical-appearance of the highest-ranking Leader or Boss of Subject A.
"The «wording» for the «Tasking» of this «Target» actually comes across to me as somewhat rather vague & ambiguous."
That's deliberate. I didn't want to constrain the viewers to physical appearance. Somehow you got the impression that the targets are about physical appearance only. My guess is that you understand "describe or draw" differently than how I understand it.
This target and similar ones will definitely come back when there's more viewers willing to participate.
Regardless, and, either way, this confirms to me the importance of doing Long-Meditation at least a minimum of once per week (up to a full hour or two minimum), preferably for a full 20-30 minutes each day, for better Remote-Viewing results;
The «Protocols» exist because of various purposes:
1) Getting the useful data that they actually want
2) Keeping track of a history of Remote-Viewing Sessions for Review-Purposes
(And thus being able to learn from past mistakes & experiences)
3) Low-Level Data-Conversion Improves the Accuracy of Data Collected
4) Maintaining a structure that can be passed on & easily learned by students
Although I use the term «easily» somewhat loosely as ASRV has a complex formula behind its protocols; can it be improved upon...? Sure, I think it is possible, but, requires that those of us who have enough free-time gain both enough Experience & Knowledge with testing & probing its strengths & weaknesses; I have already given the example of a Wheel in the Past, that, when something is known to be the absolute Most-Efficient and Consistent way to do something that is known to always work, then there is absolutely no reason to try to Change or Alter or «re-invent» it since a «Wheel» is ALWAYS going to be in the «Shape» of a «Circle» for MAXIMUM «Efficiency» and Effectiveness; Meditation-Protocol is like that Wheel-Shape.
Now, wheels typically have Tubes full of Air, but, whilst it may have a Strength or Pro of being Light-Weight and relatively Inexpensive, its weakness is that the Wheel can result in Flat-Tires; with Air-Fom or Foam filling up the tires instead of Air-Inflated Tubes, the weakness of ending up with flat tires is eliminated (see for detailed examples/videos).
Certain things I am ALWAYS going to want to stick with in Remote-Viewing, similarly to how I will ALWAYS shape the wheels for a Bike into that of a CIRCLE, but, for purposes of surpassing what the people at Far-Sight do, despite their vast amount of experience, well, one is obviously to gain experience; two is to study everything they know so that, when sufficient comprehension is gained, who-ever has enough analysis-time available can do the equivalent of converting their Air-Tubes into Foam-Tubes, that way, you can always finish the race without running into the issue of getting a flat tire, if any such weaknesses are found to exist in their protocols/procedures/etc.
Sure, you can just say to hell with traditional-wheels and get a Tank that uses Tank-Treads instead to just roll over everything, but, at that point, you may as well go the Quantum-Artificial-Intelligence Route in order to get/use your own «The Looking Glass» Quantum-Computer Technology. When I task, I prefer to be as specific as possible, because, certain data is what I want or may be looking for; I did send a task that some others did where I wasn't expecting the particular scene/event to be one of a «Military» nature, thinking that it would be in more of a «Civilian» setting, at least for Subject A, but, because both Subjects in the Target had been high-ranking head-instructors in the Militaries (for China and Korea and later on Taiwan), although we certainly did end up with interesting data, that wasn't quite the data that I was looking for for Subject A, although we did get a decent confirmation that Subject B really did seem to go into some sort of Under-Ground.