Target: 8676-2268
View the overall target and describe or draw Subject A and Subject B.
No time limit. The goal is to get as much data as possible.
Please post a link to your results, so people are not directly exposed to it.
Target: 8676-2268
View the overall target and describe or draw Subject A and Subject B.
No time limit. The goal is to get as much data as possible.
Please post a link to your results, so people are not directly exposed to it.
I'm already impressed. 👍🏻
You focused on Subject A, but there's also a Subject B. You may also want to look into that...
Without doing further session on it, my sense is that subject B is the main rival to subject A. Unfortunately I say this with low confidence. It's too easy to assume an AOL. If I picture red, the counter position seems green, if I see salt, the counter position seems pepper. But it's true that I don't feel that B is a friend.
Where does your low confidence come from? There's nothing that indicates that A and B are or aren't rivals, so why do you assume an AOL?
I will send you the target reveal per e-mail...
Scale of 1 to 10 my confidence of A was about 8, but my confidence about b was about 4 haha.
Thanks for the email. I'll refrain from comment for now. Peeps, please try these targets
The viewer will perceive and describe the main activity recorded in the following video between timestamp 17:40 and 17:57:
The viewer will focus on the following subjects:
Subject A: The leader of the SWAT team when they started to pull the front door.
Subject B: "Resident of 13641" in the same moment.
Tazz's data:
- How he describes subject A totally fits what I expect subject A's mindset to be. As he's the leader of the SWAT team, it's totally possible that he's also into sports and the whole situation is like a competitive game for him.
- I can't make sense of the drawing on page 5.
- The name he gave on page 6 could be Sa'id, which is a common name in arabic culture.
- It's also very interesting that Tazz put subject A on the good side, which could mean that subject A believes to do a good job, based in good intentions.
- Almost no data regarding subject B.
Aéius Cercle's data:
- Aéius describes a muslim, which fits Tazz's data regarding the arabic sounding name.
- He sees a headgear, which is correct as all members of the SWAT team are wearing headgear.
- The data for subject B is very interesting: It's totally possible that "Resident of 13641" is a female and is relaxing at a beach at the target time.
Final Thoughts:
Both viewers focused differently. While Tazz went "into" the target situation, connecting with subject A emotionally, Aéius focused on the subject's cultural aspects, but doesn't pay as much attention to the situation. I want to emphasize that this is not wrong, as the wording of the target wants the viewer to focus on the subjects, and it's up to the viewer what he wants to focus on.
Interestingly, Tazz didn't connect with subject B very well, which could be explained by the possibility that subject B is not part of the target situation, but chilling at a beach, maybe even in another country. I didn't expect a female. What's her story? Why was the SWAT team raiding her house? Did she leave the country to evade law enforcement? Unfortunately, we can't verify this.
Thanks to both viewers for participating. 👍🏻
Yes, interesting target, Manuel.
It's funny now how I kept going back to sports but the experience teaches me that I'm usually best to drop into the immediate feeling of the target rather than the elaborate description. I kept visualizing this powerful kinetic energy and a subject that is likely a sports enthusiast. But I unfortunately connected it too artificially and I turned it into a sports body check. Luckily I kept going back to that feeling of a powerful explosive energy and it helped me gain a little accuracy.
Cool, when the mind at keast connects on just a basic level. I can still feel the power of the explosion!
"But I unfortunately connected it too artificially and I turned it into a sports body check."
It's easy to buy into a "narrative" because it makes sense. Remaining skeptical of too much detail and going back to low level perception is difficult, at least that's how it feels to me. I'm the kind of person that wants to make sense of everything, so I'm prone to inventing a story.
My take on this so far is to look at high level data as "symbolic", like, maybe it's not a football player, but the image is a symbol for the competitive mindset of the target subject.
But it's really interesting that both of you came up with hints to arabic culture regarding the SWAT team leader. It's totally possible that he's a muslim that's wearing robes and sandals in his free time. Maybe Aéius picked up when he was thinking of home?
And it's also worth noting that the house owner isn't necessarily the person they were looking for. The lady at the beach could be the wife, fiancé, mother, whatever.