I'm just making a thread to put some random Remote Viewing Sessions I've been doing.
They don't need their own thread - but if they're in one place, I can find them.
Some will be full sessions - others will just be a few pics and some of my thoughts and notes.
Del's Random RV Practice Sessions
The Farsight Remote Viewing Team recently (23/4 August 2024) started a new Project 'ET Board Members'.
One way I practice RV or/and telepathy, is to listen to the videos and just draw or write down things as I watch.
I find this helps me remember their sessions a little better as well.
The following pics I timestamped - the time indicates what was being said by the meeting members, and I spontaneously probed and drew what I saw.
These are my notes.
The first couple of pics the timestamp I had to correct (I had 6mins - but that was on my computer) I was around about 10 minutes - Yeme, Intysam and Aziz were talking about RV practise. I went back and checked the timestamps on the video before posting.
13:00 - Aziz and Yeme talking about genetics - skill transfers
15:29 - Yeme - so many answers to questions. Aziz - how do we get better... be the wave. Courtney - how big does this have to be in terms in terms of impact.
16:12 - 19:00 Effects in dimensions - The Ripple Effect - Aziz, Intysam, Aziz, Yeme; amplifying abilities, Courtney; technology
23:29 - Courtney; Africa - talking about generations - Aziz, Shantae; working at practice - Courtney; relocation and movement - Yeme; foreshadowing
34:31 Courtney & Aziz;
39:37 - Courtney & Aziz; telepathic communication
Please continue with these exercises. By the way have you been working on your drawing? The drawings seem to be getting better and better
Hey Tazz 😁
Thankyou! I'm not sure I have been trying any more than I usually do with my drawings, but I have been trying a few different techniques.
In a session I was doing about 3 months ago, I was given some data - more like a suggestion - to start writing and drawing with my non dominant hand. So, I have been doing RV with a pen in one hand and a pencil or pen in the other, using both hands to write and draw my session data.
I will tell that story in a post below - but I have a few more posts to put up prior to it - but it's changed the way I Remote View on paper.
I finally have a whiteboard, and using the 2-pen method on the whiteboard is easier - so there should be some whiteboard pics as well.
This RV was done 5th July - I only just completed the transcript and pictures.
This was more a Telepathy session with Remote Viewing techniques - probing and scrawling.
It was related to 'The Event' - and by related, I mean a cluster of telepathy data - it sometimes does not mean in order - just events of significance.
I have drawn a few pics as well.
Its a bit long -
This is the transcript data from the Audio recording - only part of the intro was edited - the rest is as I said it.
I had already posted my first Event data in another thread - this is my second session on the Target.
Its 12:12pm Friday the 5th of July (2024). Future Forecasting Group did a YouTube video – The Event That Changed the World – Entire Progression and Update’ Luminosity Event – Remote Viewing Luminosity Event.
So I decided to have a look at ‘The Event’ again, just to spontaneously go back into The Event.
And I got a couple of things come through.
And one was to get a book specifically dedicated to that Target, which I will do.
Telepathy Session in Progress
The next thing I see…
Everything went red
Being in that redness – it was like an explosion – it was red – everything went red.
And I can feel my nose burning and I can feel my face burning, my lips, my face – and I can feel the slight heat. And I was immediately removed from it, but it was this red – this orange – red, the sky was orange red – full orange red.
And then everything was black.
And I can see this happened at night.
And I can see something – and I got some words – and I can see a light – and I got the words East.
And it was like a star in the east – or the word East.
I can see a light in a black sky. I was totally black. A black sky, and this pin light – this pin light to the side and to the East in my vision.
And that’s when I started to take out the recorder and do the recording.
(I just going to pause)
Just going into the Remote Viewing again and see if I can bring anything else out
I get the feeling of a very –
I’m feeling very numb. My face – everything numb, and off ground.
(checks recording)
My body feels numb – my face.
And there’s a temperature drop – huge.
Theres a sensation of falling.
I feel like I’m on my side.
I’m not exactly sure where I am.
A hard surface.
Lights out.
Voices – I hear a lot of voices – a lot of panicked voices.
A lot of like a grey metal smell.
Shake – shake – shaking.
Choking, choking.
Face distorting.
Trying to move – cant get back up. Trying not to let go. Trying not to.
Asking myself ‘where am I?’
I’m being lifted up – I feel like I’m being lifted up, again.
I get this feeling of floaty-ness, lightness.
Swelling on my face – big swelling.
Lips, mouth area – teeth area.
Where am I? Where am I? Where am I?
I’m trying to almost see a map.
I have my hands over a map.
I get the words ‘I’m on the outer edges’, and I feel that’s like a coast – a coastal area – A coast.
And I feel my right hand is more where I am – Im getting America, all down that side, Canada, America, South America – that line.
I’m shaking – I’m shaking – my hand is shaking.
There’s a rumbling – around the centre of that line.
And my other hand is aching, aching, cramping, aching – and that’s on the left.
And that the Indian Ocean area – that’s where I sense it to be.
I’m in the Middle East.
Where am I?
I have an overlay – Pakistan – China.
India. India. Something happening in India.
I immediately get the word France. In Europe there.
Very cold - very, very cold there. Immense temperature drops – immense.
I’m going down.
I’m going right up the top to Greenland here.
I keep bumping into something – in Greenland – something in Greenland – something in that area there.
And something in Russia.
But up north – eastern area.
And I have a map in my mind of Australia.
And I’m going over that map with my hand.
I keep seeing Western Australia – in the middle of the left hand side of Western Australia.
And I’m seeing coastal areas – land water interfaces.
Small islands – lots of islands – small, surrounded by a lot of water.
Washing and ebbing and washing in and ebbing water.
A lot of rocking, side to side.
I see Mongolia too.
Like in that area there.
Moving onto the next… hands on
I’m getting a lot of sheer grey – sheer – grey - very high peaks – tall peaks tall peaks – tall mountains – grey – ice – snow.
I’m getting a burning sensation under my feet.
Hot – hot surface.
And I saw a box – a box – in the middle of nowhere – on a flat base surface
A square box.
A desolate area surrounded in a valley sort of thing – a flat valley.
Peaks, mountains…
(said something I can’t determine, maybe ‘inside – around the mountains’)
Sides… around the valley
in a little box – all by itself.
Well, its not little, but the box – its just a box shape.
Alone, by itself, on a flat valley floor, surrounded by peaks – peaks in a circular type array in a round.
Stiff peaks.
And once again its dark. Dark sky.
Its just sitting there – this box.
I’m just going to go to the box…
It has a compass?
Or this mechanism-y thing on the top of it – like an instrumental thing sticking out
Looks like something that you’d find on a ship? A compass-y type thing - It looks like it has that sort of look.
(Long Pause – probing box)
I also saw another box in a wooded location.
There seems to be something yellow-y orange in the box
It looks like a lava-ry type like consistency
Is it hot?
Just flow-y – thick – it can move, this substance moves – its orange-y, yellow-y, flow-y.
Maybe the outside of the box – it’s coming out of this box? Its moving – not the box – the stuff inside.
It has the consistency of like goo – gooey, thick.
Now everything has gone white – white!
And things are coming down, down, down.
I don’t know if I’m on or in a crater.
I just got an overlay of being on the top of a flat surface – those peaks and stuff – that I’m elevated, but they’re the sides of a crater. I feel like I’m in a valley of mountains, surrounded by mountains – its just the thought.
I’ve got something opening like a big grey circular – its weird – its like umm, imagine a slide lock – a slide bolt – where the knob of the slide bolt slides forward to the end of the bolt along the runner…
And then opens
And it feels… thick, grey, stone, round – like a lock in the ground – its like a big lock
And the slide bolt slides along
Like a big round stone thing – solid – natural – made – slides along – and lifts – its opening – there’s an opening – that’s how it opens.
But BIG.
Natural rock.
But its open.
(pause – trying to re-connect)
I don’t know where that went.
It didn’t open fully, it just sort of like lifted – raised the lid a bit – and then it was gone.
Something pushing it up.
Its like a mechanism – like a natural mechanism.
I can see a lot of mountain ranges.
A lot of this is done in the dark – or its dark – its outside – Im not sure whether its night.
There’s some natural light
A vast landscape – a vast area – not small or indoors – its cold – night cold – that night cold.
Theres a smell.
Nothing at the moment.
I’m getting energetics.
Energetics – night – far out in space.
A blue light – a big blue luminosity.
Dark blue – and something falling – dark blue – light behind it.
Can’t smell anything – its blue – very vibrant.
Blue, purple, dark blue purple luminous light – grading – moving
Starlight’s moving
I can see from above I can see the oceans
Deduction – the coast … my mind is moving
(a lot of audio interference from moving mic 🙄 I think I said I’m getting England – like the coast reminds me of the inlands and outlands of the coast – it could be anywhere)
I must be looking from a view from the sky…
As this thing enters the atmosphere enough to be able to see from above (into the sea)
Coming down
Intricately coastal shaped country – the coast – ins and outs and walls
A very small tiny teeny island in the great sea off the coast
And the coast seems to be more on the right-hand side –
And the island on the left in the vast sea – that’s what I can see.
(long Pause)
I’m getting sound – sound – sound change
Like static
High pitch frequency –
beam -
like a beam – yellow green beam – down
I see something…
The focus is coming down through the atmosphere
High level frequency sound
I need to rub my hands together – so I can go to the next piece.
Clear – reset.
Feels like I have some powder on my hands – I have to get it off my hands – powdery type. I have to get it off my skin.
I hear bones crunching.
And I’m wanting to go back to the Remote Viewing Map I did (the Event Map)
And look at my map.
I have my map in my minds eye – I’m looking at that map
I keep coming back to Australia – and I think that’s an overlay
I need to look at that area
I’m seeing a really large round shape in the sky
It looks like its almost made of clouds
A star gate – like a Stargate –
Its like – a bearing – like what the inside of a bearing looks like – of a roller bearing.
What is that?
Its flickering like pages being flicked – like when you run your hand over pages quickly and they make a picture.
I run my hand through the pages – like a picture on the page –
Does it show something – clear, clear.
Everything is I this blue colour
Blue – dark edges with black and purple – green –
I just got a flash of like a cone of grids –
a cone made out of grids that’s sort of like a mesh grid coming out of a like the shape of a megaphone but ..
if you could see the waves coming out of that you would see like a mesh – a round mesh – not a ball or anything – coming out with like crosses – not just one straight along – not a straight wave –
I’m asking for clarity now.
A visual – an actuality.
I see a city on a coast – coastal city – Highrise – urban – long – a long…
I got Florida straight away but it could be anywhere – overlay – but…
A lot of things happening at dusk, or night – that’s what the sky looks like –
And a road…
A chair type object
Once again my face goes numb
I need clarity… clarity of vision
I’m out in space
I’m in a large object –
It looks like a crayfish – like that shell type armour – the body of a crayfish.
(Long Pause)
I’m still in space – but on a natural base surface
Rugged naturally formed rocks – canyon
A cave – a HUGE cave – huge.
I look like a tiny speck of grain on the floor – that’s how big it is – this cave.
What am I doing here? What is this about?
I see a lot of energetics on the wall
Everything is orange –
fire and splits
What is this about?
Its like a planet – exploding – imploding – a ball in space – something in space.
Energetics – choking.
I need more clarity please; I need more clarity.
I have subjects here
But I don’t have enough clarity
Orange type – everything seems to be in this orange predominant backdrop colour
This is on a base surface where I am seeing subjects
More clarity so I can see properly – show me the picture.
I’m walking into this space –
Base surface
Cave opening – natural – natural opening
Show me what’s inside?
This is extremely tall – and slim
Its like people living underground or in natural caves – or underground natural formations
A sense an urgency – a sense of urgency
Outside is still orange-y
More like a mustard coloured sky light
Just going a bit deeper…
(I am feeling very cold)
Theres a feeling – I hear ‘there’s a crack, there’s a crack where the light gets in’
It has a feeling of hope to it – hope
Its quite amazing – even though I’m completely covered – my eyes are just darkness, I cant still in my minds eye see light – there’s light around.
I’m asking myself to remember – there’s something coming from the past into the future –
Having to twist and turn to get this perspective.
What do I need to remember?
I can see subjects walking on a mountain path that’s covered in snow
Row after row, thing after thing, after thing, after thing
On a mountain pass
In a line
At a high altitude
They are walking one by one
On tis Pass, on this path
Isolated – cold – snow
This reminds me of the Ashtar Command Planet Remote Viewing Reading
(this drawing below was uploaded may 2022 - done for the Ashtar Command planet RV – it represents the terrain and snow covered tunnels there.)
Its like this movement on the planet
Troops in formation
Theres a word for it – ‘Troops are Being Deployed’
I get some sort of military type situation happening there
There’s a road below, but then there are these sides of the mountains which are covered in snow
It looks so much like there – it just feels like it’s there
Theres a lot of underground tunnels there, or entrances, and then you all of a sudden you pop out onto the surface, and then you go back into a covered entrance there
There just seems to be troops moving up this mountain path Pass
All in a line
It just reminds me of there so much – it could be a deduction – but I know what it feels like there.
I know what it feels like on there.
These are armed people.
They have armaments on them.
The formation and the way they walk – the way they are moving is …
I’m getting overlayed with ‘I need to go’ ‘I need to go’
I’m getting a lot of peaks and mountains now and Bam – lights green – BAM – lights green
Green lights
Flickering and bam, bam, - green on white – peaks
It hurts mt head to look at them.
Avalanche – Oh my.
Like an avalanche – like a collapse –
Something just caved in.
Avalanches caving in
Like snow – like completely –
The sides just fall in.
Its massive!
The pic below was drawn for this session and is the troops moving through the snow to the underground tunnel systems.
Next -
Getting undulating waves- yeah – its water
Its like in slow motion.
This wall.
I can just see the top of the waves – where ever I am its very deep and going round and round
Its massive
Its huge – this huge expanse.
Its not just … its hundreds of miles wide – it like an inner collapse
It feels like its moving
Its like an inner collapse
It feels like its moving – its not like its rising and falling – its actually moving up – like pushed from the base, up.
And then the base goes down but the waters on top.
But its one solid thing
It feels like it is moving – it’s not rising and falling – its actually moving up – like pushed from the base up.
And then the base goes down, and the water’s on top.
Like it one solid thing, going up, going down.
Going up, going down.
Like a slow rocking rolling feeling – rolling felling – not rocking, rolling
Like a see-saw.
I need to close this session down.
Count back from 5,4,3,2,1 – awake.
End of Session.
A few notables.
I was asked to do 2 things – To 'remember something' – and ‘to go’.
I think the memory I needed to see again was the Ashtar Command situation – the deployment of troops and the green light attack over the snow and the tunnels.
The other point of interest was the command to ‘to go’ – the sense of ‘I need to go’ – this happened before the green light attack and the Avalanche coming down.
I also think I was to remember to see the flooding type scenario – though I cannot put a placement on it.
There were many visionary movements during this telepathy session – though it was just under 1 hour long; 54min:42sec.
A lot of connections between space and earth.
It is almost 2 months since going back to this recording to do the transcript. I had forgotten some f it completely – especially at the end of the session. I don’t actually remember talking about the flood scenario – though I did vividly remember being with the Ashtar Command troops and being there for the Avalanche, on the other planet. I am pretty sure I have a friend working in that regiment, on that command base, as a driver. I did not see him though during this telepathy session within the troops.
This is more a Remote Viewing Session with a wonderful personal story.
I'd like to share it with you here.
One of the things I have mentioned during writing up my sessions, which you may have read before, is the amount of times I hear music playing - sometime days before I do a session. Its a song on repeat - or the same song. There's an example I relay in the FFG - Competition Target LK71-BC66 Feb24, in this forum.
This is about another song - but it comes from the Ballet La Esmeralda.
And the RV session was on Nano, Pico and FEM Technology.
Remote viewing is an extraordinary exploration - a journey of unveiling mysteries if you're willing to keep removing the layers from what it wants to show you.
This is one of these moments for me.
I encourage everyone to follow the leads you are being given.
I think Remote Viewing loves spontaneity.
DATE: MAY 8TH, 2024
TIME: 12:12AM
While transcribing the interview between Dr Salla and George Kavassalis regarding the Moon, Pine Gap, and Reptilian technology – George was explaining the web mind connection which is interacting with Earth, using Nanotechnology, Picotechnology and FEM Technology.
Ascension vs Integration – Gods, ETs and the Omniverse: An Interview with George Kavassilas
I had an inkling that this was related to the death trap shield I had drawn in another session.
As I started to research these technologies, I stood up and walked around.
I also had had the music from the Ballet ‘Esmarelda’ playing away in my head, on repeat – it had been with me for the last 2 days.
As I walked around, I closed my eyes and I started to receive shaded images.
I sat back down and closed my eyes and started to feel a bit sick – but images were coming through now very fast.
I grabbed my pens, pencils and RV notebook.
I was instructed to write with my left hand for lettering, and my right hand for drawing.
I wrote slowly as I am right-handed.
I was then given data, which I wrote down – page 1, page 2, page 3.
And the images I drew - a swirling band of data strands – like dna with a frequency accompanying the band running parallel to the strands – one on the inside and one on the opposite side – both facing in toward each other with a line of some kind in the centre separating the two halves.
Page 1 RV session
Page 2 RV Session
Page 3 RV Session
I had the words – “Our DNA is a factual electromagnetic antenna” – this comes from a research paper I had read written in 2011 entitled ‘DNA is a fractal antenna in electromagnetic fields’. This was explaining to me how we cannot NOT receive data – it is built into us. But the paper was on radiography. Hmmm. I explored further.
I had the words…
Antena (as in Antenna)
Next, I received an image of a shape - I did not know how to draw the shape properly.
I closed my eyes and I was told to draw on the white paper – not the black, as the colours would not be true enough. So, I drew on the white paper (Page 4)
I was telepathically told to close my eyes and let my hand go loose and trust the pen will draw the image – let my hand relax – don’t grip the pen so tight – trust – disconnect from the pen and with your eyes close, watch your hand and allow it to be guided.
Page 4 RV Session
While trying to do this and juggle the technique and hearing the music from BALLET Esmarelda getting louder and more prominent in my head, the next image I have is an image in my mind of Nikola Tesla standing next to the table guiding my hand – everything was in Sepia chrome – old fashioned, even the feeling of the house. I didn’t think much of it any more than a quaint way of trying to draw something that looked like a fractal with the help of a kind soul who might know what I was drawing as I had no idea what I was drawing, I had my eyes closed.
But it was like a child learning to do the alphabet with the help of a grown-up. But I was really trying to concentrate on just following my minds instructions.
I had drawn for about 3 minutes, my pen gliding over the paper in a smooth rhythm slowly, and I felt that I had to open my eyes, lift the pen and start the drawing from another point on the paper. I did this and repeated the process, once more feeling that my hand was being guided.
The image I drew, or more so the shape I drew is on the page 4.
I looked at it and thought that that really was very similar to the shape I had seen in my head – it even joined at the bottom except for one squiggle.
I found the coloured pencils I needed and coloured it as I had seen it – the only difference being that the background should be a little greyer – this is a fractal.
After completing the drawing I wrote ‘Tesla / Music to Esmarelda (Ballet)’ in the Overlay section of the page. I signed and dated the page, and then put my drawing pencils away. The images were over – there were still some of them in my head, but they didn’t need as much detail to draw.
After finishing the session as such, I just thought the whole Tesla drawing experience was really helpful – which was nice, and I drew it to the Ballet music of the dance ‘Esmarelda’ – then I had an idea to see if Nikola Tesla liked the Ballet. So I went on Bing A.I and asked:
did Tesla like the ballet?
Sent by you: did Tesla like the ballet?
After many answers about Tesla and Tesla Cars 🙄 I knew that I needed to take a different approach.
– I rephrased the question – maybe it was a person called Esmarelda, an acquaintance, a family member, a scientist, a person… back to Bing AI.
Did Nikola Tesla have any connection to the word or name Esmarelda?
Sent by you: Did Nikola Tesla have any connection to the word or name Esmarelda?
Then this happened; -
3. The Unexpected Connection with Esmarelda:
o In the early hours of July 10, 1856, Tesla was born in the quaint village of Smiljan (now in Croatia). Amidst a fierce storm, he came into the world, and his life would be marked by innovation and scientific curiosity.
o One of the lesser-known aspects of Tesla’s life is his fascination with pigeons. He often fed and cared for them, and he even claimed to have a special bond with one particular pigeon named Esmarelda.
o Tesla believed that Esmarelda was his soulmate and that she communicated with him telepathically. He would walk with her in the park and share his thoughts and ideas. To him, Esmarelda was more than just a bird; she was a muse and a confidante.
😳 What? What! WHAT!!
I was a bit stunned to say the least.
I didn’t know how to take this information – was I reading too much into this – what are the chances he does have a connection to an Esmarelda – of all names – and its his muse pigeon.
I felt very grateful for the drawing and so I thought what can I do to mark or honour this ‘occasion’ or more so this ‘experience’ but to go to AI and ask for an illustration of Tesla with Esmerelda in the Park.
What a random piece of wonderful information about Tesla!
I also have looked after many pigeons in my time of the property I live. I have fed and watered them and sat and talked with them. Sound loopy? Absolutely! But for some reason I found this very confirming for the RV session.
I went to AI Designer and created a picture for my RVing.
Tesla with Esmeralda
Some time after finding this information, I followed up by asking about the message to start writing with my left hand.
Bing said:
“Nikola Tesla was reportedly born left-handed. As a child, he was naturally left-handed but taught himself to also use his right hand. His ambidextrous abilities may have contributed to his creative genius. Tesla’s impact on the modern world is immense, and his inventions, such as alternating current (AC) devices, continue to shape our lives today1. It’s fascinating to think that his left-handedness might have played a role in his remarkable achievements.”
I spent the rest of the time reading about Tesla.
I hope you enjoyed finding out something so random and obscure about Nikola Tesla, as I did 😁
Follow your gut and research your data – you may be surprised at what you unveil.
wow Del this is amazing!
Hi Artur - thanks for reading the Session.
Here is the piece that was on replay - it's quite beautiful and dramatic. I didn't add the ballet, as that isn't what I was seeing.
Pugni : La Esmeralda
1 minute 24sec duration
I wanted to add also regarding other music that has come to me during RV sessions. Music is an amazing addition to sessions. It doesn't seem to interfere with other sounds coming through - I probably need to take more notice.
In regard to the other music, I mentioned from another session -
When I did the FFG’s Remote Viewing Target for the Fibonacci Spiral at the Hawaii State Library, and I kept hearing ‘The Eyes of Texas are Upon You’ on repeat in my head before doing the session. After the reveal, I looked into that song as well to see if there was any connection to anything in the reveal. The song was actually at one point back in time, the adopted Hawaiian National Anthem, and sung by during the war by Texan Troops on the island. I did not know at the time of the Session, the location of the book in the library (Hawaii).
Something for today... 🙏
ETA: extended version
and one more... related to the dream
I was born left handed. I think it's common for lefties, especially from the 80s that, out of guilt perhaps and then some pragmatism, we learn to use the right hand for a lot of things in conforming with the general population. But this pressure to use both sides forces us to alternate our brains.
Perhaps this is one of the missing links to childhood education. Pushing ambidexterity seems to push the mind into full hemispheric usage.
A faster and less annoying way would be to use the binaural beats and isochronic tones music. I've done it on and off for 23 years now and it did wonders to my ability to reason, memory, and I've had some preternatural experiences.
Hi Del, that is very interesting what you perceived about Tesla and DNA.
That sounds a lot like the research of Prof. K. Meyl. Tell me if you want to know more about that.
21st Dec 2024 - 10:42/3PM (AEDST) Mountain's area - Sydney
I just had a very startling experience.
I'm sitting outside and for a second - the sky went neon green - no sound - its nighttime here.
I have never seen anything like it.
I was sitting on the front doorstep.
I threw my hands up to cover my face for some reason - and it was gone.
It filled the entire sky.
OK - I'll report back later - I want to see if there is any news about it anywhere.
Use blind targets. Never front load. Here is Lynn’s website which has targets of the week (hundreds) which you can take the coordinates and do bound. Then click the feedback photo after you’ve complete the session. Probe your sketches as well. Make sure you put any assumptions (AOL), on right side of the target. Be a detective when probing target. Give yourself movement commands. Use all your senses. What does target feel like? Smell? What happens if you press your cheek against target? Move above target 15ft and describe.
Do you believe that in that particular moment you shift realities?!