Probe the general target coordinates before moving on to the focuses.
Focus 1
Focus 2
Probe the general target coordinates before moving on to the focuses.
Focus 1
Focus 2
I'm bumping this thread. Unfortunately I haven't had the chance to view. I usually have the time to look and read, but to drop into a sort of stress-free environment and genuinely view is harder for me to come by. Hopefully someone still tries before I do
I may as well add to this since I was trying to test it out as a practice-target.
Keep in mind that I still don't really know all of the Remote-Viewing Protocols yet.
I think there is probably far more to this «target» but, due to other things that are keeping me busy, time-restrictions and all, I didn't complete this all the way, but, I can describe what I got thus far;
Also, if you wish for me to keep going, because, I don't think I even got to Focus 1 nor 2 nor 3 yet, I can certainly try to continue this session to try to grab more perceptions as time permits.
I made a Deduction before even starting because I felt like the target was about a Chinese-Blockade.
4894 (Gestalt looked something like « ./‾‾' » but the / being more horizontal than vertical)
Sensed Ocean-Waters with Land nearby
Sensed Uniformed Subjects (seemed military like)
Deducted «Chinese Waters» at some point during the session.
Seemed like a Sunny Day, Peaceful-Feeling.
Sensed Flags that were Flying/Hoisted/Displayed/etc.
Sensed some kind of Gathering or Meeting of Subjects.
Sensed some kind of Movement ? Sensed Smooth-Surface(s).
In trying to figure out what the Smooth-Surface was, I had impressions of a Flag-Pole, Mast, feeling like there was some sort of Celebration, full of Spectators.
In trying to figure out more details about what I thought was some sort of a Flag-Pole on a Ship, I sensed a lot of Good Food, someone was eating a tasty delicious sammich or similar; another subject was falling from the sky or so it seemed so I wondered if he was maybe parachuting.
Did more attempts at perception (once more I do not yet know these protocols) and I sensed some sort of Missile-Launch or what felt like a Missile-Launch; it didn't seem to be aiming for anyone nor any particular target so the questions that came to my mind : Some missile-test, perhaps ? In any case I got the impression that it just disappeared into the sky (like, really, how does that work...? Or are they designed to just blow up in the atmosphere and disappear ? As I type this here into this forum I get a conscious hind-sight : Does this have anything to do with trying to blast UFOs out of the sky ?).
Oups, better describe more about the session I did, rather than the tangent I added (not part of session) from the previous parentheses; Anyway, regarding that missile-test, the missile seemed to just literally «disappear» into the sky, like, completely «vanish» (like maybe they got teleported or travelled through time all of a sudden or something) and I was questioning whether some sort of Advanced Technology was involved; subjects did seem to be involved in the launching of the missiles so it seemed like the launching required a manual-trigger rather than the launch being any sort of automated process.
At some point I Deducted some sort of Olympic-Games Event for this Viewing due to the following...
I sensed Multiple Ships, a Fleet of Ships, for that matter; looked like three rows of maybe five or six ships per row following one ship that was leading all of those rows of ships; the leading Ship seemed like some sort of Central-Command Ship, and, also felt like it was Controlled by A.I. Technology;
Several subjects seemed to be on each Ship (is a «Ship» a «High-Level» description ? Perhaps I was supposed to call these Surface-Structures upon a Water-Surface ?) and it felt like they are all testing out some sort of A.I. System involving the Lead-Ship in front of them; they all think that it is really cool technology (and I got the impression that they had a sense of a great deal of Pride in their Demo).
And that is where I ended up stopping due to needing to either sleep or tend to other matters or both...
I don't know where I came up with a focus 3. I guess I was thinking there's a focus 1, focus 2, and then the general focus of the target. We'll see if there was any accuracy
I didn't do a remote viewing, as I'm not trained to do so. I just focused on the initial impression I get when directing my attention to this target, and I get a beach.
It's interesting that Tazz (hey, another Manuel 😉) describes at focus 1 an open space with water and sunrays. I'm getting curious...
@Tazz: You're falling back to focus 2 when looking at non-existing focus 3. It's the first sentence you wrote.
Hey Manuel, that is a perfectly good start. Many skilled remote viewers started with no particular method at all, just that intuitive feel.
Ro, I hope you're able / willing to reveal soon. In the meantime I know there was another target posted I'd like to try
Continuation, and, I need to make this VERY CLEAR, that, I literally only know how to do ONE (maybe two) Remote-Viewing Protocols thus far, therefore, the absolute vast majority of this was «guess-work» on my part as to even HOW to do this Remote-Viewing Stuff so if I am WAY OFF «Target» then I am just blame my lack of Protocol-Knowledge for my Lack of Accuracy.
Anyway... I added to Page 1 General-Perception:
More subjects seem to be falling from the sky like they are parachuting; they seem to be wearing goggles of some kind and what looks to be military uniform-gear.
Then I tried to get Focus 1 Information on Page 2:
Sensed mountainous-range in distance over ocean; skies seemed to be a bit pinkish and semi-cloudy
2nd-Perceptual : Various Hi-Tech Machinery moving around all over and throughout the sky (at low-altitude) and also more ship-looking structures moving upon the water-surface.
3rd-Perceptual : Some kind of shooting war going on. Ammunition seemed kind of advanced almost like laser-bolts in a video-game.
4th-Perceptual : Some kind of Major Command-Ship surfacing, almost like a sea-version of a Mother-Ship, similar to a Space-Fleet. Ship seemed to emerge from below the Water-Surface like some sort of submarine but also has air-craft-carrier vibes...
...then I drew something which looked a bit like a box-like-shaped command-room on top of a ship with a cross-shaped structure either upon or right behind it which seemed like it may have been some sort of antenna, three windows facing out front facing forward, over to the side a walk-way stairs, then I also double-checked perception and resulted in what looked like run-ways for air-craft on both sides...
Page 3 was an attempt at Focus 2 with the following result(s)...
Time-Shift towards evening... later-evening (latter-evening).
2nd-Perceptual-Probe : Blank or Blocked Perceptuals
3rd-Perceptual : Instability with military-like formation(s).
4th-Perceptual : Something of an A.I. Drone. Deduction = Pod from Nier-Automata (game/animé)
5th-Perceptual : For or maybe some smoke is obscuring vision of the sky/landscape.
6th-Perceptual : Some kind of Fire feels like it may be the source fo the smoke.
Fire-Probe-Perceptual : Some kind of Electrical-Failure or Malfunction seems to be cause of said fire
Going back in time there does not seem to be anything wrong with the electronics or equipment.
Time-Probe : Moving forward in time it seems to have been due to the movement into an area with some kind of static-electrical charge in the air which resulted in and caused the malfunction of equipment; this seems to be something similar to when a ship hits an ice-berg, but, rather than on physical-water, these electronic-jamming hot-spots seem to be within the atmosphere itself.
Then I ended everything here on the 3rd Page since I wasn't sure what else needed to be done...
Does this qualify for enough information for a Target-Reveal or do we need to try again instead ?