You often hear about good and evil, and recently about predators and preys in Farsight films. Here are my two cents on this discussion.
In short, both perspectives are valid, but they also fail to properly address the problem.
First, here is a passage from the book Alien Interview describing the creation of the food chain— the prey "good" and the predator "evil."
The greatest technical challenge of biological organisms was the invention of self-regeneration, or sexual reproduction. It was invented as the solution to the problem of having to continually manufacture replacement creatures for those that had been destroyed and eaten by other creatures. Planetary governments did not want to keep buying replacement animals. The idea was contrived trillions of years ago as a result of a conference held to resolve arguments between the disputing vested interests within the biotechnology industry. The infamous "Council of Yuhmi-Krum" was responsible for coordinating creature production. A compromise was reached, after certain members of the Council were strategically bribed or murdered, to author an agreement which resulted in the biological phenomenon which we now call the "food chain". The idea that a creature would need to consume the body of another life form as an energy source was offered as a solution by one of the biggest companies in the biological engineering business. They specialized in creating insects and flowering plants. The connection between the two is obvious. Nearly every flowering plant requires a symbiotic relationship with an insect in order to propagate. The reason is obvious: both the bugs and the flowers were created by the same company. Unfortunately, this same company also had a division which created parasites and bacteria.
Note: Yes, I agree that on Earth, the predator-prey, good-evil dynamic prevails and forms the foundation of our existence.
If you’ve read Alien Interview, you know that when Aril describes the creation of the world as we know it, she never mentions good or evil. I have included a passage describing the origin of the food chain—the predator-prey relationship.
In short, it was created by us, the Is-Be, and accepted as the guiding principle of our reality. But here, I want to emphasize that we designed it, accepted it, and implemented it on various planets, as described in Alien Interview.
Next excerpt from Alien Interview:
to glorify the idea that life forms should feed from other life forms. They invented a "scientific theory" to use as a promotion gimmick. The theory was that all creatures needed to have "food" as a source of energy. Before that, none of the life forms being manufactured required any external energy. Animals did not eat other animals for food, but consumed sunlight, minerals or vegetable matter only.
My Two Cents
IT DOESN’T HAVE TO BE THIS WAY. This so-called natural order is our own creation—ours, meaning Is-Be. If we designed and implemented it, we also have the right to change it. The currently dominant predator-prey relationship, which shapes the concepts of good and evil, should be transformed. You don’t have to be a prey or a predator, nor define yourself as good or evil because of it.
It was our decisions that led to the extreme distortion of these processes—resulting in enslavement, exploitation, and more. Our goal as Is-Be in this situation should not be to accept these sick and misguided principles of good, evil, predator, and prey. As Alien Interview suggests, in the beginning, beings did not consume each other but drew energy from their surroundings.
That’s why I believe that the food chain—especially in its extreme exploitative form on Earth—must be changed. We should return to the early pioneering days of the Universe, when organisms absorbed energy from the environment rather than from each other.
I know that we, the Is-Be, created this Universe. And I know that it doesn’t have to remain this way—it’s up to us to shape its future. I also know that Is-Be is beyond good and evil, beyond predator and prey. We are more than that. At the very least, I hope we can be equal.