This needs to be its own thread. Yes, it's a lot, but I promise you, it's worth your time.
The following statement by @Aéius Cercle was made here:
"The point I have to make in response to your responses is that you don't seem to have any actual genuine «Spirit-World» experience as is evident from your paradigm and the way you respond to «Spiritual» Truths;"
See, I don't divide reality into a spiritual world and a non-spiritual world. To me, everything is spiritual. The divide you advocate for is based on the assumption that certain parts of reality are "not how God wants them to be", as if God made a mistake. I don't believe that God made a mistake. But the fallen ones do believe that God made a mistake.
They divide reality into a spiritual realm and a non-spiritual realm, declaring the latter to be their "domain". Which is not true. It's a delusion. And if you buy into this delusion, you have the same worldview as the fallen ones. They use religions to put this divisive worldview forward, so you believe that you are trapped inside their domain, thus creating the urge to leave and get back to God and true spirituality. As if spirituality was a place.
Please understand: It's just projection of the fallen ones. They hate the reality of God and want to be freed from natural law, but they can't, so they make you hate the world in the same way they hate it.
The truth is that by believing their nonsense, you become unable to see the higher spiritual truth that everything is the spiritual realm already, even the world you are in right now. There is no part of reality that is wrong, it's just that reality is layered in different frequencies, and some layers are populated by more intelligent and benevolent beings than others.
A reality layer that is mainly controlled by fallen ones can be called a hell. But this has nothing to do with the place. It's the beings who impose their false beliefs on others that turn the place into hell.
You can free yourself from hell by returning to God. You can also call it return to nature (natural law), return to spirituality, return to the light, return to the source, whatever. It doesn't matter how you call it, it all means the same thing.
The important information is: You can do it right now, right here, even in this tortured place. That's what all the masters are talking about when they say: You find the solution within. Because it's not a place.
And when you've found it, you begin to emanate light (truth), resulting in the fallen ones hating you even more. If you emanate truth, they will mock you, insult you, degrade you, smear you, attack you, whatever is necessary to make you feel being in hell again. They try to drag you down. They do this to prove to you and everybody else that nobody can leave hell.
The solution to this dilemma is to develop the strength to not be pushed around easily. A really good example is Jon/Enki, who tries to mock and insult me all the time. But I don't care. Instead, I use his posts to speak about what I want to speak about and teach others. He hates it, as everybody can tell by now. He wants everybody to buy into the narrative that you are trapped here, and everything goes to script, and the only way out is to achieve things that nobody can achieve ever. Let me show you:
Let's have a closer look what he wants you to believe to "get out":
1. "You need to be genuine"
In other words: You need to want to get out. This already is a lie, because if you believe you need to want it, you bought into the narrative that you are trapped by your own choice, which is not true. It's also a logical fallacy: You cannot be trapped because you want it, as a trap is defined as something you don't want to get into, and surely don't want to stay in. In other words: If it's a trap, everybody would want to get out.
2. "You need to have a spirit"
This is his divide & conquer strategy to divide people into those who have a spirit, and those who don't. If you ask for a scientific explanation of how this works and how people can distinguish them, you get nothing substantial. So, in order to get out, you need to belong to the ones with a spirit, and if he decides you don't have a spirit, you are damned. This creates the incentive to prove to him and others that you have a spirit, which makes you controllable. It's a form of mind control.
But ask yourself: Why does it work? Why do you want to prove that you have a spirit?
3. "Disconnect from attachments"
This is based on the idea that attachments are always bad, which also is a lie. People are attached to certain things by natural law and free will choice. For example, if you choose a husband or wife to create a family, you are attached to him or her. And you want to be, because you love him or her. It's a good thing. The fallen ones want to destroy these attachments in order to destroy love. They want you to be seperated and alone, because that's how they feel.
4. "Rebuild empathy and compassion"
This is a nasty one, because it implies that you aren't empathetic and compassionate to begin with. If you believe this, you admit that you don't think of yourself to be empathetic and compassionate. If you do that, the fallen one will use this weakness against you in his own advantage. He will redefine what empathy and compassion means, typically in the form of a religion you have to subscribe to. If you fall for that, being empathetic and compassionate means to follow the commandments of the religion, and disobeying means that you will be labeled as a person with no empathy and no compassion in order to smear you.
If you run into this problem, it's because you have no self-esteem and think that you need confirmation for being empathetic and compassionate, which typically comes from having a narcissistic parent who abused you verbally if you didn't show compassion for their crazy behavior.
5. "Activate the divine blueprint within that the Anunnaki disconnected"
This is essentially like point 4, because it implies that the divine blueprint within you is not active. But think about it logically: If the Anunnaki were able to disconnect it in the past, they are able to do it again. So, reactivating it does not really help if you don't know how to prevent them from deactivating it again. But he doesn't talk about that. Also, how do you know that it has been activated? What's different then? It's the same as the rebuild empathy and compassion strategy: Reactivating the divine blueprint means to follow their religion, and disobeying means that your divine blueprint is not activated, so they can label you an enemy.
6. "Let the drama flow in and out without being able to take a hold of you"
This sounds really nice, but is as nasty as the disconnect from attachments strategy. Drama is what most people call negative emotions. The idea is that negative emotions are bad and shouldn't affect you. It's the "God made a mistake" idea again: He invented negative emotions, but having them is wrong. If you believe that nonsense, you can never find peace, because the truth is: Negative emotions are a natural phenomenon with a distinct purpose.
To explain it briefly, the purpose is to build an energetic opposition to an attacker. For instance, anger is the energy you need to defend yourself if you are attacked physically. The fallen ones don't want you to defend yourself, so they tell you that having negative emotions, like anger, is bad. The goal is to sabotage your ability to defend yourself.
Watch the "Sacred Gift of Anger" presentation by Mark Passio to get a more complete picture of how this works.
7. "Awaken to the truth, you will know it when you're ready"
This is what I call a null sentence, because he is saying something that sounds really nice, but actually, he doesn't say anything. The truth is: You are never ready until you decide that you are. If you wait for it, you will wait forever, which is exactly what they want. A side effect of this is that after you waited for a sign for so long, you get more and more frustrated, reinforcing your belief that you aren't ready yet, eventually leading to despair and resignation. It's a vicious cycle.
8. "To be ready for the truth, do your inner and higher self work...meditate and purify"
Again, he implies that you aren't ready for the truth yet. No, you need to meditate even more, and purify even more. As in number 7, this will make you frustrated and fall in despair over time. If you find yourself in this situation, it's because you think you need outside confirmation that you meditate correctly, and that you are pure enough. Why do you think that in the first place?
9. "Understand that YOU are the one you have been waiting for...there is no other saviour outside yourself"
This sounds encouraging at first, but implies that you still need a savior. And it makes your salvation even more difficult, because it's you alone who can save you. Remember, it's about to get out and leave this place. He's saying that only you can do it, nobody will help you. How do you feel if you don't know how to escape? This is another way of making you fall into despair eventually. The truth is that there are many people who can and will help you on your way of spiritual evolution.
10. "Reconnect to your higher self/spirit it will be the one that will pull you out after death from the astral realm"
This is so dumb. If it really was your higher self, it would pull you out anyway, wether you reconnected or not. Because your higher self does not want you to be trapped. So, this is just a way to drive a wedge between you and what you think your higher self is, and make you doubt that you have reconnected correctly. As you see, most of these strategies are built upon low self-esteem and not knowing what the higher self actually is. They present it like a different being that you have to please, a being that is willing to leave you in hell if you didn't reconnect correctly. Do you really believe that your higher self is that narcissistic and manipulative?
11. "Maintain awareness after death by first growing past this physical trap, grow your awareness and consciousness"
If you believe that, every physical activity that creates pleasure, like sex for example, becomes an activity that makes you unaware and prone to being trapped. This leads to you not wanting to have pleasure anymore, which is the basic idea of asceticism. If you accept that logic, you can only get out by becoming ascetic. This is a way of removing pleasure from your life, leading to more frustration instead of less. The fake light after death will then show you what you missed, and you will most likely fall for it.
The solution to this problem is to accept worldly pleasures, but in a balanced way. Don't get lost in them. For example, if you want to have good sex, choose one partner you really love, pursue a balanced relationship, and stay with this partner. It will make you a thousand times more happy than having a high body count.
12. "Live within and from the heart center it is the way out, each chakra/center is a multidimensional gateway but only the heart leads to the true light realms"
This is a tricky one. Yes, the heart is important, but it is not what is leading. The heart is the place where your emotions are translated into higher frequencies, and these emotions are not meant to lead. They are meant to be brought into balance. That's why the heart sits in the center. It represents the spot where higher awareness and lower emotions meet. If you want your heart to lead without knowing the true purpose of it, you will miss to bring your emotions into balance, resulting in the strongest emotions taking over. You will express impulsive behavior, passion and fervor in a way that is destructive to you and others.
The solution to this problem is to let rationality have a say in your decisions, which requires discipline. The lower emotions will then translate into higher frequencies. For example, if you feel lust, indulging in it without rational contemplation will make you addicted to sex, because you miss the higher frequencies. But this doesn't mean that lust is bad, or a sin. The rational choice would be to have one partner you love and trust, because having sex with who you love is a totally different frequency than having sex with someone you don't love, and with a different result.
13. "Don't go towards the light, it's a harvesting trap, instead you will know where to go by creating awareness after death and reconnecting with your higher self "
Repetition of number 10.
14. "Let go of the body, you are the energy within the vehicle, you are the spirit driving a soul driving a physical meatsuit, it isn't you"
Think about it logically. If your physical body died, you are already not attached to it anymore, so you don't have to let it go. But the death traps can still suck you in, at least that's what they claim. So whatever is happening after death, it has nothing to do with your physical body.
15. "Let go of fear and doubt"
See number 6. Fear is a natural emotion. You can't get rid of it, and you shouldn't. The right way to deal with fear is to confront it by being courageous. Fear is a reaction. Courage is a decision.
When it comes to doubt, it's not even an emotion. Doubt is a part of your rational mind that recognizes when something seems to be not right in the absence of obvious evidence. Essentially, it's your ability to expose a lie, and that's why being doubtful if something doesn't add up is always a good thing. The fallen ones don't want you to be doubtful, because they don't want you to question them and in doing so, expose their lies.
16. "Declaration of Non-Consent to the game"
Again, think about it logically: If you believe that you need to withdraw consent by declaration, you accept that you gave consent by not declaring anything. The fallen ones love this concept, because what they do is the following: All the people who missed to withdraw consent by declaration are seen as "fair game", meaning they are not protected at all. And the ones who withdraw consent are ignored, meaning they violate your rights anyway, because they are psychopaths who don't care what you say. They only care for what you do, and wether you have the real world ability to defend yourself.
Do you now understand why I say that Jon/Enki believes what the fallen ones believe? Because he is promoting it.
You are in hell if you believe their nonsense. Hell is not a place, but a way of thinking. It's a belief.
Re: «You can free yourself from hell by returning to God.»
«God» is «omni-present» so it is NOT possible to be «separated» from God.
Omni = ALL; All-Presence; thus existing _everywhere_!
The question is are you with the Light/Love Aspect of God or of the DSP.
God's «Holy» (Motherly) «aspect» is all things Love, Mercy, Compassion, etc.
God's «Unholy» (Fatherly) «aspect» are COMPLETE OPPOSITES to the Holy...
Quoting from that link...formatting not preserved from this copy-pasta...:
「Remember, you become the 'energy' you use, and either go DOWN and 'fall' into the Domain of the Dark or, you go UP and 'rise' into the Domain of the Light, and this means that as you use the energy of either, your soul becomes;
Light or Dark
Kind or Cruel
Positive or Negative
Happy or Sorrowful
Merciful or Merciless
Benign or Malignant
Calm and mentally peaceful or Irrational and mentally disturbed
Creative or Destructive
The 'Secret' being; "Only be kind, loving, peaceful. merciful, compassionate and forgiving" as God Commands.」
Thank you Manuel! Of all these clarifications, although I do not fully understand their meanings I quite agree with the way you express them! We must remember that most of our Beliefs are based on Lies ...