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It starts off with something similar with the kids - who aren't autistic, but just brought up in an environment where such abilities are taught and considered normal.
Or looked up Seeing Without Eyes? (or other names for the same thing?)
I took a break from Farsight, as I became disenchanted as to where it seemed to be going. You're post is very intriguing, and because of your post I find myself back at Farsight again.
I really wonder if you haven't posted something quite profound ? A change in the capability of humanity, with maybe an overload of the mind in handling that change perhaps ? Is there energy or "something" coming in to alter people ? For the better I mean?
I mean, if what you have found is true, it would mean these children with profound "disabilities" may be in fact the beginnings of a "superior" race. One that can mind read and see like Farsight members can do, without any training at all.
And we hear God is dead and the only way of course to achieve immortality now is to become a God yourself ! An AI infused robot ! And that there is no other way ! "All of the other Aliens have AI, and we will have to get it too !"
BEFORE ITS TOO LATE ! Before its too late for who, I wonder.
But I found someone with ideas about that, which I posted below.
I wonder if you haven't discovered the very beginnings of a profound enhancement of humanity ?
An eventual antidote to the Transhumanists, who are urging us to advance humans, by turning them into machines ?
I will add this to your information which I heard about years ago.
At the time I heard about it I could not figure out its significance. But it was, that the "cabal" doing all the black projects were profoundly interested in children with autism. And further they had started a process on Earth to increase (somehow) the population of children on earth with autism. Now when I heard that, I thought - "why would anyone want to increase the worlds population of people with mental disabilities ?" (and of course there is the video with Robert Kennedy discussing the secret meeting of Pharmaceutical techs on the discovery that their particular vaccine program was doing exactly that- I think as an interview with Sean Ryan.)
link below -go to 7 min 45 sec to find exact point of "the Meeting" discussion.
And I could think of no answer to it at the time.
On the surface of your post - it could be argued that the children have a terrible condition which is almost hopeless. And yet later we see some kind of advanced way of thinking occurring.
I.E- mind reading.
And mind reading is what all the Aliens are doing !! With that, autism becomes very significant (and my apologies if Autism isn't called autism any more)
Now, have you found the beginning of some kind of phenomena - a trend coming in somehow that will transform humanity ? Because one of the questions might be, was this always there ?
Or is it now just discovered ?
But if it was just discovered now, was that just a coincidence or was it destined to be found. As an antidote to this transhumanism ? Perhaps I'm getting too mystical there.
Not sure, but what you have posted is quite astounding !!
One of the great announcements about all of us becoming chipped AI linked bio-robots, was that we would all become telepathic ! But if you think about that one, if everyone is connected to the one AI mind. Then of course we can all then read each others minds ! We would then all be one mind. An global AI hive mind.
But if humanity (discovered in your posted video) is in a rapid process to develop mind reading capabilities then "mental communication" throughout the entire planet would become possible. If so, it would mean humanity would have advanced similarly to what an AI -transhumanist would would be ! Very strange ! Now comes the next logical question. Is that what is driving this relentless and urgent push to make that AI - Transhumanist transition ? An interesting question I think.
The divine blueprint within many humans has been awakening as they evolve past the game. All human bodies in the past were fully psychic until the Anunnaki re-engineered them into cattle without the ability to interact with the other multidimensional levels.
Left sided brain dominance is keeping us in our silos.
Getting and staying in right side brain through psylocibin, mediation or systematic remote viewing exercises- allows us to get information from the universe.
Listen to videos about autistic children being touched by a single finger as an idea or thought is expressed to them or a few words said. Autistic children can receive downloads by touch as well as read minds. When you look at Project Camelot videos on Super Soldiers there is one interview with 2 super solders who spoke of transferring mental information silently by touching both hands.
High functioning autistics can therefor fly flying saucers. Alien ships are piloted with thought. Military need those with high levels of feeling to fly flying saucers. Listen to other videos on astronauts not being able to fly flying saucers. They have an extremely left sided brain with math and engineering skills. Alien flying saucers and their technology makes a "living ship" and that ship has no moving (or very view) parts. They are flown by the mind.
Also Buchannan speaks about being abducted and being given a chance to become a flying saucer pilot because he had such big hands. The flying saucer he said was flown by putting ones hands onto a pad. And Buchannan is one of the famous remote viewers. Also Buchanan is an organ player at a church as I remember (also a priest). Musicians, poets, painters, all link up to the right side of the brain more than engineers, and architects.
Now things are making sense. The operator of technology in the future will be a high functioning autistic. Because be a tesla car, or a flying saucer, machinery of the future will be a "living" being. We have seen in other posts, computer chips being implanted with human brain material and trying to mimic human brain configuration.
Now this opens up lots of questions. What's going on with the "MIRROR LIFE FORMS" scientists have become interested in (posted- at "Questioning what we are told" and why then is there such a push for chips in head and merging with machines.
Because both of those seem to be heading to the same goal. I wonder if one is still the materialist faction - you know where God is dead and we need to all become the Borg versus another one which is, God lives in his heaven but humans must connect with everything through mind. The Alien does it, and their ships are connected through mind. If we now are starting to hear everything is conscious then there will be a real need for those on the autistic spectrum. Or at least future humans do.
So then this would explain the need for bio-robots and the rest of us. If everyone's an autistic, then they wouldn't make great practical plumbers, electricians and carpenters. The autistic would be this touchy feely type able to talk to the sun and lions and tigers, and humans through their minds alone (as well as work with machines through their minds) but never be able to build one.
So the world will also need bio-robots too to do practical things. But they would not be able to keep up with the super fast moving data. There will be no time to sit down and read a book on how to fix a flying saucer. The average human will be like Fred Flintstone in this kind of world.
I think I'm on to something. The intense interest in Autistic children by the military/cabal now is making sense.
Psychometry is just another psychic skill anyone could possibly do. You don't have ti be retarded to do it.
Psychometry is a supposed ability to gain information about a person or object by making physical contact with an associated item. It's also known as token-object reading or psychoscopy.
Here are some characteristics of psychometry:
How it works
Psychometry involves interpreting the energy or vibrations emitted by an object to gain insights into its history.
What can be learned
Psychometry can reveal memories, emotions, skills, and more.
How it's performed
Psychometry is often performed using rings, photographs, or other tokens. The psychometrist may also be in a state of lowered consciousness, similar to a trance.
Psychometric visions are often too haphazard to be useful, and the user may be overwhelmed by strong auras or events. Information may also be hidden from the user.
Some historical examples of psychometry include:
Published results in his book, Journal of Man, theorizing that all objects have "souls" that retain a memory.
William F. Denton
An American geology professor who conducted experiments with his geological specimens.
Gustav Pagenstecher
A German doctor and psychical researcher who discovered psychometric abilities in one of his patients.
"High levels of feeling" are empaths. Empathy is also another psychic skill anyone can possibly build up as it's related to controlling and reaching out with the emotional body to interact with the environment. Again, you don't need a damaged human meatsuit to do this you need a perfectly functioning being to work on developing psychic skills.
I think it was David Icke who was talking about undercover mkultra spies, female sex workers, that could have sex with a politician etc and then download their information and then have sex after with a guy from their own group to then transfer that info download to them to gain that information.
"Everything is consciousness" is related to everything here being part of a simulation and to interact with that simulation you need to be able to manifest using your Will power. Most people have no clue about using their Will and always just give in into everything here vs being able to resist and even change things for how they want to reshape reality. Everything in this world/universe is based on frequency and sound and consciousness fields which all interact to create the illusion we live in. The Anunnaki hijacked the consciousness part and created belief systems whereby we project our own limited manifestations. It doesn't take a broken down body, autistic, to make changes. Autism came about due to the chemical poisoning from all those dozens of forced injections kids get nowadays that then damage optimal functioning output.