I am not confusing anything. YOU are the one who's CHOOSING to be «ignorant» on this one. Read this ENTIRE Chaptre in regards to Cause-and-Effect according to various REAL «Scientists» who have looked into said phenomenon and stop being ignorant about the «consequences» being REAL whether you «know» it or not. It's a transcription on my web-site...
The REAL «Salvation» process ONLY BEGINS once you have FINALLY learned about the REALITY & «existence» of the «What you or your servants do/express unto others will be done/expressed unto you» LAW (Karmic) of God FROM WHICH POINT you can FINALLY put a STOP & HALT to incurring even MORE Negative Spiritual-Debts than you have now; this is PRECISELY the reason why «Jesus (i.e.: Yeshua ben Yosef)» (and now the recent Terence de Malahèrre) KEPT ON PREACHING (some people even describing it like a broken record) the IMPORTANCE of «forgiveness» and ALSO for people to NOT PAY TAXES (unto Caesar).
DO you REALLY THINK that the «religious-preachers» of today (Modern-Day Pharisees) are NOT «bound» to be «thrust into» a WHOLE ENTIRE UNIVERSE in their after-lives where they are actually HATED by their «flocks» for having «led them astray» who are of a realisation that they are no longer on earth, but, simultaneously, they also realise that they are NOT in the «realm» of «heaven» that they were PROMISED from said religious-teachings ? I can absolutely GUARANTEE you that such realms DO exist and that such IS the «fate» of MANY a Religious-Teacher, Priest, Minister, etc.; this is not JUST my opinion, although not very easy to prove this FACT & reality from the vantage-point of the extremely «limited consciousness» of mere «human-minds» whose «feeble-capacity» cannot fathom nor comprehend the vastness of God's Energetic-Law-System;
Such realms DO exist & HAVE been «hinted» at in the works of Para-Psychologists & even devastating realms-of-existence where everybody takes turns cutting each other up with razor-blades in a never-ending cycle of revenge because of the way those «existence-realms» are «configured» to automatically «revive» them after they «die» and return them to the back of the line where they wait in line or become the one holding the razor-blade to slit everyone else's throats in some kind of single-file; a realm like this was even described from the famous Remote-Viewer, Joe McMoneagle, within his book, Psychic-Warrior, does indeed describe precisely such a realm that he had in one of his «dreams» (although «dreams» are actually NOT just mere «mind-generated» nor «brain-generated» so-called hallucinations; a «dream» that one is actually ABLE to «remember» is really a «token» of a Greater-Reality; the «dreams» that humans have are «hints» as to the myriads of existence-types-possibilities in which they may find themselves after their spirits/ISBEs/etc. have exited & departed from the flesh into their after-life). Such a realm is also described or at least hinted at in the Writings of the returned (re-incarnated) ISBE (spirit) that once inhabited the flesh of Yeshua ben Yoself during his «past-life 'Avatar'» (his own literal words to describe his previous-life existence by the way), Terence Malaher, and, I KNOW for a FACT that he has NOT read these kinds of books on Para-Psychology (yet he seemed to write a LOT of ACCURATE-Information regarding Spiritual-Matters), reference to that which can be found and read here...
P.S.: The Church had done its utmost to «scrub» ALL Traces & Evidence of «Karma & Re-Incarnation» that once USED TO exist in «Christian» teachings...
I am the Voluntary Successor to the Legacy of said Returned (Re-Incarnated) ISBE that was once known as Yeshua ben Yosef from his past-life-existence; and he, Terence de Malahèrre, is the TRUE «Christian Messiah» that today's «Christians» reject (just like how the Jews of the past rejected Jesus since he didn't meet their idea of their Messiah; with today's so-called «Christians» expecting Jesus to return in some «spectacular» fashion down from the physical-clouds for the whole entire world to see after the sound of a loud trumpet that reverberages throughout the whole entire earth-planet irrespective of whether they believe that the earth is flat or this or that), and is also the TRUE «Islamic Imam Al-Mahdi» whom the Muslim-Fundamentalists also reject as BEING the REAL & TRUE «The Last Prophet» wherein, similar to the «Christian» sects, Muslims have ALSO «elevated» a MAN by the name of «Mohammed» into a «god-ship» whom they «dogmatically believe» IS «THE Last Prophet» when in fact... Terence de Malahèrre is the REAL «Last Prophet» (Messenger of God's True Word that is NOT «distorted» by the «sin» that exists in the rest of the populations).
You people here have a HUGE «Advantage» over ALL other «lost souls» (or confused ISBEs) in that I AM able to carry on & bring forth the TRUTH not only «translate» the writings of Terence de Malahèrre into a manner that is PRECISE & preserves context & puts the perspectives into FULL-CONTEXT, but, where possible, I am ALSO able to point towards the references & research of Para-Psychologists & other Para-Normal Researchers who HAVE «discovered» the «evidence» that DOES «back up» MUCH of the returned (re-incarnated) Messiah's (Al-Imam Al-Mahdi's) recent writings, numerous authors mentioned in Ian Currie's publication on Scientific-Findings into Research on Death, very often with extremely high & impeccable-credentials, amongst the most-comprehensive of works being from the cross-correspondences of para-normal-researcher: Frederick William-Henry Myers (although he didn't seem as interested in telling nor warning about the «darker side» of spiritual/ISBE-existence that is heavily warned about by Terence de Malahèrre's writings).