It must have happend during corona. Was in my room the whole time. I think I saw the team of farsight visiting me in my room. I went into a simulation I HOOPE I SWEAR THIS DID NOT HAPPEN IRL, where I locked all my neibhors in an angry fit up ready to be taken away. It was not their bodies or mind but some kind of energy that was in a sphere like shape linked with the other what seemed to be concious energies. At the end it looked like Intysam saying something like: ´Is this what you did with the power we´ve granted?´ And I think it stopped, I moved from one scenario to the next. Always in a worse kind of situation. Beings being trapped and like ready for takeaway so to speak.
There was something about a pontiff that didn´t like me moving or breathing.
I know some more things but I really tought it was farsight. I´m doubting a bit that´s why I came to report. I remembered it just now.