Someone posted (and then erased) a thread asking for questions and ideas for the next Farsight Board meeting.
Here are some questions:
Can you prove to us that you are benevolent beings and not trying to trick us?
Wouldn't it be helpful for you to show us your physical selves for 10 seconds, on camera?
How do you define “freedom”?
You say that you want to “save” humanity? What exactly does that look like when it happens and how will it look 5 years from now?
Have you tried to save humanity before? How did that go?
Why would so-called benevolent beings respect an agreement made with the US government that was clearly made for evil purposes?
Do you have any agreements with any governments (or individuals) on Earth?
Who on Earth do you consider to be part of your family? How did you lose those family members to Earth? How long have they been here?
Can you move through time? Can you see across time?
Describe your most advanced technology.
Describe your most advanced spiritual ability.
Most of these questions have already been answered in the Conversations with Harvey series...
Regarding whether they can «prove» anything or not, I will quote the returned (re-incarnated) Messiah (messenger) from the following Testament of Truth Archives as follows...:
«Dear Ray, herein lies the 'dilemma,' for I AM just another mortal man giving my 'interpretation' of Father's Word, for HE expects man to 'individually' make up their own mind as to the *truth* or *falsity* of what HE speaks through my mind, and there is nothing I can do ref 'proof' that I am HE the returned one.» -Quoted from
And, within the Last Hour Interview, Terence responds to the question during the interview when the panel of guests asks him to «prove» that he is indeed the «awaited one» and his response was approximately: «See, that is just how man is, who says "Prove who you are before I follow your Shining Star" and God says : "I wish to see who believes in the Word I send thee" (through My messenger Terence)» (and they do in fact, have very important things to say, messages that would be otherwise «diluted» and «ignored» were man to be given «images» upon which to «idolise» like what happened with Yeshua ben Joseph, more famously known as Jesus Christ, rather than heeding the MESSAGE that allows for the «Mental-ISBE-Evolution» to stop falling for MSM-Propaganda/Deception which would ultimately make it EASIER for earth's inhabitants to be able to finally be able to «free themselves» from the grip of their self-imposed enslavements/oppressions).
It's WAY more «complicated» than people seem to realise, but, I will give an example of how complex things can get. See, sometimes there are people who would sabotage your plans, people who you think are your friends & allies, when in fact, they are actually a «liability» towards your efforts to prevent the «bad guys» from over-taking everything; this is largely because of your LACK of «Psychic-Development/Abilities» such that, from something that I had personally done before, once I knew that we had traitors/betrayers in my Alliance, holding meetings with all 30+ or 50+ members, including the traitors, but, treating it like they were a part of our plans, how-ever, I would also then have a separate meeting with all of our members where the traitors were excluding, revealing my more real plans to the members who had not turned into a liability, but, even then, I still had even more secret-plans that I could only really share with maybe 4-5 members of the Group/Alliance at the most... with you «humans» who are LACKING in your «psychic-abilities» it is actually far too easy for you to be deceived & manipulated by «betrayers» and «manipulators» who HAVE in fact SET-UP a SYSTEM of ways to PREVENT you from EVEN being ABLE to GAIN or LEARN about or even BELIEVE that there IS such a thing as «Psychic-Phenomena» and «Psychic-Abilities» which should be obvious if you haven't been living under a ROCK all these years with all of the «Skeptics» being «promoted» and the «Materialist-oriented» world-view having taken over literally ALL of Academia (with very few professors like Dr. Dean Radin and «scientists» like Dr. Rupert Sheldrake) ever getting any positive-reception from the Academic-Systems.
DO you SEE what I mean here...? I, like you, also happen to BE here as a «human» like the rest of you are (not an extra-terrestrial), but, DO you trust when *I* am saying here or not ? If you can't trust me, even when I try to be honest about everything, then, you are obviously not going to be trusting ANYBODY, especially not those who are somewhat «forced» to keep themselves «hidden» for «complicated» reasons like the scenario about the multiple-group-meetings that I had described above (and that's only a very basic-example; things can get far more complex than even that scenario; think of it like layering 200 or more front-corporations in order to hide the true owners of a bunch of «wealth» that is being used to «control» the world-populations). Just. Develop. Your. Psychic. Abilities. Long-Meditation ! You WILL gain the ability to «sense» whether others are trying to «deceive» you or not IF you would just take some time to do long-meditations seriously.
I haven't heard good answers, which is why I asked the questions.
Hasn't been deleted, just dropped to page 2
OK, I missed that.