I've had numerous memories pop over the years. Some still remain.
I have a recall of first entering this universe a long long time ago (probably in a galaxy far far away...).
I seem to have memories of being in other universes... or at least, in a universe that has different laws than this one appears to have (at least, down here at the physical level). However, it could also just be that the physical and the spirit were in much closer connection, and thus the 'laws of physics' only seemed to be different - just that here, we don't get to do what we've always been able to do.
Also, the memory of destroying a planet in a war - as the last ditch effort to end the war,. (however, I believe that this is a typical memory shared by many... and thus, may not actually be mine. (no Manuel, it wasn't a purple sky, and we weren't greys... actually, we were stopping a reptilian attack).
And.... being on the bridge of a starship, and feeling the most terribly horrendously evil entity walk into the room... yes, very Darth Vader like... but the emotions (fear in particular) were so strong.... almost makes one sick, certainly nauseous.
I also remember coming here from another ... star system? Galaxy? Not sure. (I recently did a QHHT session where this memory had a whole stack added to it - in all glaring, emotional detail... I haven't felt that emotion in a while....). Anyway, the purpose was to come here and 'save humanity' from the evil that had been controlling it... it was from tens of thousands of years ago (at least), and unfortunately, due to a certain war (the whole image reminded me of the new Chris Pine Star Trek movie, when the Enterprise comes late to the battle, but survives because of having shields up) ended up getting trapped by the Death Traps... But... I'm back now, bitches!!!