"No it does not break universal-law nor does it reverse cause-and-effect; nor are changes to the past arbitrary; they are simply distortions"
Distortions are defined by provability through comparison with the undistorted state. The mandela effect doesn't allow proof of a distortion, because according to the theory, the distorted state becomes the new reality. So called residue doesn't prove anything, because there are other, more reasonable explanations (like you simply being wrong and unable to admit it).
"and, what you EXPERIENCE anywhere WILL REMAIN as part of your EXPERIENCE"
Experience is not the same as truth. For example, a woman can experience a rape, and the rapist experienced it to be joyful. The truth is that it was rape.
You fully bought into moral relativism, in which every experience is valid just because it's happening. You don't want to follow that path further, because then you will attract people who rape you and say: It was fine, it's an experience. You seem to value Karma, so please understand how it works.
"What YOU don't seem to be understanding here is that «reality» is MORE than what you try to «neatly fit» into concepts & ideas like «law of integrity» for, numerous cases of hauntings & spirit-possessions DO EXIST where the researchers have found that, despite the lapse-of-time having been in the literal-duration of centuries,..."
What you don't seem to understand is that those spirits who don't know what year it is are just confused. It's like drinking alcohol and losing time – the time is not lost in reality, you just don't remember because you've been in a lowered state of consciousness.
"You are definitely trying to «box» your mis-perception of how you THINK that «reality» SHOULD be when in fact one of the MOST-FUNDAMENTAL aspects of «reality» is that the MOMENT you become «dogmatic» about anything and have a «Rigid Mental-Construct» (whether be it religious or scientific) then you essentially end up STUNTING your Spiritual-Evolution."
You really need to get rid of your fear of damnation. Spiritual evolution does not end just because you think the wrong way. That's exactly why Karma exists in the first place: If you become mentally rigid AND are wrong about reality, you will attract what breaks your rigidity, which is perceived as suffering. But if you are right about reality, your rigidity doesn't result in suffering.
That's correct. But not being able to change the past doesn't mean that time is linear. Time revolves in cycles, repeating the patterns of what happens according to law. It doesn't repeat what happened. If you learn how reality works and act accordingly, it means that you will perceive the cycles in a different way. You will recognize the patterns.
"the phenomenon where, regardless of how much effort our «Mr. Mad Scientist» main-character tried to put towards preventing a tragic-death, the tragic-death still occurred in some form or another, no matter which «time-line» he «travelled» to"
Yes, because he is trying to break a cycle that, according to law, cannot be broken. He does it because of his limited view of the greater picture. If he could see the greater picture, he would see that the death he's trying to prevent is not tragic at all.
"If you cause an aggressor «suffering» then you are still in fact, causing suffering,"
No. The aggressor causes his own suffering.
"I need to «defend» myself from these «aggressors» BEFORE they have a chance to «grow up» into adults where they could be causing me harm & stuff."
No, you don't need to defend yourself from babies. You don't need to kill Hitler before he becomes a mass murderer. If you do that, he will just come back again and again, because HE CAN'T DIE.
Is it really that hard to understand?