Out Of Shadows Official (2020) - Documentary Exposing Satanism in High Places
The web-browsers I like to use:
Atom (from browser.ru)
UR Browser (not any longer in active-development)
Vivaldi (extremely versatile)
Opera and/or Opera GX (caution : Memory-Hog & can glitch numerous web-sites)
Falkon (also apparently no longer in development, but, was reliable for certain purposes)
Yandex-Browser (a surprisingly good web-browser with some similar options to Vivaldi)
MicroSoft Edge (not usually a main-browser for me but also seems to be reliable)
I also installed several-dozen different web-browsers onto my mobile-phone, but, I have not really bothered to use/test all of them yet; I used to try to use Brave-Browser, but, something about its data-processing protocols in the past made me unable to load some web-sites or made loading them very slow, but, that could have been due to something with the computer that I was using at the time, rather than due to the actual web-browser itself; regarding privacy, whilst I do have service with IP-Vanish VPN, I am not able to use my Multiplicity 4 Pro software with it to control my other laptops/computers so being connected to a VPN is not currently useful for me; for anti-ads blocker I use AdGuard, how-ever, I found that I had to disable the portion of AdGuard that blocked legitimate web-sites because of its use of a Reputation-Rating Filter/System called Web-of-Trust, even though Web-of-Trust is itself a fraudulent-rating watch-dog on par with Wickedpedia, Lead-Stories, PolitiFact, FactCheck, Snopes, and, all of those other dis-information astro-turfing sources which refer to things like Para-Psychology & Remote-Viewing & Natural-Remedies for Medical-Conditions all «pseudo-science» whilst promoting the ironically pseudo-scientific main-stream & conventional-narratives...
I'm not worried about them tracking me. I know they've watched me for a long time already and they don't mean anything to me. I've been protected all my life. I do just the bare minimum to cover my tracks. As for the information I put out there...I hope they learn something from it. The awakening has to happen not just for the average Joe, but for those in the controller group as well. Their peons can be turned against them.