Business is also a lot like a ship or a plane; there is a reason why there is such a thing called «start-up capital» or «venture-capital» when it comes to businesses; you need to have at least a bare-minimum «infrastructure» in place before you can expect to get anywhere or see any meaningful results; one doesn't set their ship or boat out onto the water until it's able to at least stay afloat; nor would you want to push your plane off the cliff unless you know that there is enough structure to remain air-borne.
Regarding the previous post... I may as well add a bit of my knowledge, perspectives, observations, etc.
Re : @ ①
Make sure your potential-customers can actually «find» YOU; one literal very real-world example that I can give from my own very recent-experiences is that I have had at least some people come by the gym who have said that they couldn't find the place (or that it took a while for them to find the correct location). Although this is partly because I don't have a big huge banner up on the front of the building, but, even then, I still need to make sure that it's okay with the gym-owner (ultimately, I decided to let him know that I am just going to spend the whole entire months of November and December on just Advertising & Marketing since it makes more sense to allocate 400$US towards that purpose rather than paying for the rental-space which originally started out at 45$US/month if my classes are just going to be empty anyway... then do a re-launch or re-opening day/month for January 2025CE).
Another thing that is important is to optimise your on-line information so that people who are specifically looking for your particular brand or niche of Remote-Viewing Service can actually FIND your information on-line when they enter the key-word search-terms for Remote-Viewing Services (and, when it comes to «on-line» marketing in particular, the MORE SPECIFIC YOU ARE, the more successfully you will make yourself «visible» to the on-line audience; mere general terms are a bad idea unless you've literally claimed the domain-name for it, such as whoever has registered the RemoteViewing.Com domain-name, but, does not look like they're actually doing anything with it at present).
Re : @ ②
Needs and/or wants. A need is of course usually easier to sell than a want, but, video-games are an example of a want (not a need) where its revenues actually surpass that of even the movie-industry, the movie-industry having historically been considered to be the biggest (at least to the public-eye) and most-profitable industry on planet-earth (apologies to those who still prefer the flat-earth narratives). Also, for people who choose to be «authors» of anything, ANY «author» should ALWAYS write at LEAST ONE «fiction» work if they truly want to be «successful» as an author. People who know what «otaku» means and what «otaku-culture» entails also know that the animé-industry (closely tied in with the manga-industry & video-game industries) is widely consumed, world-wide, even though it is deemed to be both fiction & want as opposed to non-fiction & need; I do have my own plans on this but I am not ready to «announce» anything just yet (I still have more leg-work remaining which is still something along the lines of getting my infra-structure set-up to be able to start working on it efficiently).
Re : @ ③
This one probably needs a bit more clarification. Out there in the population are lots of very potential and willing customers. IF you ALREADY have customers, you obviously want to maintain a good customer-retention rate, because, according to business-wisdom (from a very successful celebrity by the name of Jesse Encamp), getting a new customer costs seven times as much as retaining an already existing customer. How-ever, if you're starting out, and, have YET to GET any customers, you are going to have to put in that extra work in order to figure out where they are, how to reach out to them so that they know that you exist, provide the necessary advertising & marketing information so that they know that you are providing what would interest them, and of course also make sure that they can actually find you once they are ready to become your customer (amongst all of the other things that customer-acquisition involves). And, people are hungry for information, so, make sure you provide them with plenty of information, because, many people DO have «busy lives» (too busy working in order to make ends-meet) and so in such cases it is also up to you to provide them with the information that allows them to be able to make an «informed decision» and demonstrate that your information is credible & trust-worthy so that they don't have to spend & take that much extra time out of their day in order to wade through an already information-cluttered environment where it seems like everybody seems to want to advertise everything to just about everyone (especially since many of those ads & claims are quite questionable; such as those mobile-ads for games like Soltaire Cash or Casino-style games where their promotional-videos try to suggest that people can easily quit their day jobs & earn whole entire incomes of 200$US per hour which is both unrealistic and also literally false-advertising; you can verify what I am claiming here about the true & real & genuine earnings by asking an A.I. Assistant like Co-Pilot, Micro-Soft's version of Chat-GPT, just what are the statistical-rates of anybody actually earning anything from those mobile-games which claim that you can «earn» mucho $$$).
When it comes to business & succeeding, though, the MOST IMPORTANT thing that one can do is to simply TAKE ACTION... what good is it if you read all of my business-materials & read business-book after business-book after business-book & even from authors who are highly successful with a very good track-record of turning average people into successful businessmen if you are not even doing anything that is business-related ? What if I ask you for a Brochure or Business-Card in regards to your Remote-Viewing Business ? Do you or would you have that available for me as a potential-customer ? I don't care if you're just doing things like putting business-cards together, designing brochures, creating marketing pamphlets, contacting advertising & marketing companies for «targeted» mailing lists, negotiating with well-established Remote-Viewers or have even collected enough Capital & financial-resources to even hire the FarSight Team and/or even FFG as part of your business-strategy, the point is that, you just need to DO SOMETHING!!! O_O