This is about the zapping mechanism that zaps the ISBE after the death of the "physical" body.
Take note that I put the word physical in quotes. I've done this because the understanding of what the term means is crucial to how the zapping works. Please read the following:
So, what I now want you to do is to think about the form of the ISBE that is leaving the body after death. What do you see? Yes... a form. In other words: A body. Now ask yourself: How does it differ from the so called physical body that just died?
What I want you to understand is that there are layers to creation, and that after dying, you are NOT in your true form. Because there is no true form. What you call the physical body is just one layer of a certain frequency, and then there's more layers. For example, what is called the astral is just another physical layer of reality.
Important: The layers are not independent of each other – if they were, the "soul" would not be able to move the body.
So, when dying, it's just that one layer of interaction with the world is removed, because the body that belongs to that layer doesn't work anymore.
Now back to the zapping...
The zapping actually zaps the body that is left after dying, let's call it the astral body. It's a physical process that can be understood. So, what exactly is happening when the zapping occurs?
The zapping numbs the body – I don't know the technical details – with the result that you are cut off from your true self and with it from your memories. But... why does it work at all?
It works because your awareness of yourself after dying rests within your astral body as if that body was you. Just think about it: You die, and then you recognize that you are dead. What do you think? I am the soul now. I'm not physical anymore. And that's just not true.
The zapping depends on you confusing your body after dying with your higher self. When you get zapped in that state of awareness, you must be confused. That's the trick.
If you haven't watched the Lao Tzu session, please do it, because Lao Tzu did not fell for it. Especially Yeme describes in great detail how he pulled his awareness back into himself, thus not confusing his body with himself anymore. He got zapped, but it didn't affect him. All the viewers saw that he was losing his form completely after that.
He refused to take his body with him.
And it didn't kill him. Quite the opposite: He remembered his life on Earth afterwards, after getting a completely new body, or being "reassembled" as Shantae called it. Because the memory is not stored inside the body, as so many believe.
Now, if we know that, can we get our memories back without dissolving all of our bodies? I mean, that should be possible, shouldn't it?
Short answer: Yes.
So, what is preventing us from doing it?
Answer: The belief that there's nothing when confronted with nothingness.