So, I just read that FS will no longer be doing the CICO+ crypto forecasts, and will no longer be selling the identities of those already done...
I think this is ridiculous, and wonder what exactly has going through their heads to do this...
Firstly, I thought that the whole defining purpose of the FS site was to get more and more people 'awake' and aware of what's going on in the world of ETs, this whole prison planet thing, and by extension the need for people to learn to be able to competently Remote View - such that RVers (and the public in general) will know that RV actually works.
How is that going to happen?
Well, it sure isn't going to be doing posts of people sitting in a chair talking to an empty chair, telling us stuff we've already heard for decades.
And it's not going to be done by doing projects which will *never* have any verifiable evidence to support the 'data' that comes through.
And, lastly, it's not going to be done by doing RV sessions that end up giving the same results as asking anybody on the streets what they think is going to happen in the future... (such as - what's doing to happen in the Israel/Hezzbollah conflict.... 98.65% of people on the street are going to say that Israel will fire off a few missiles to try to take down Hezbollah rocket positions in whatever city they happen to be in. Will they use nukes? Probably not, because they don't want to start going down that road! Similarly, if you ask the average person on the street what's going to happen outside at the DNC and RNC, they'll tell you that there will be lots of supporters, and a few clashes with some protesters... it's a no-brainer!)
What *are* people interested in?
Well, it's obvious that the vast majority (and we're clearly talking about 99% here) aren't overly interested in the UFO topic. It's interesting, but that's about all. (just check the numbers of various UFO YT sites - do any hit 1 million? What about the UFO Reddit?? That's not too bad - they've got 2.5 ,million subscribers - out of how many English speakers with access to the internet (and Reddit in particular...???) (you're living in an echo chamber if you think most people really give a damn - let alone actually believe!)
And it isn't Remote Viewing (the RV Reddit has less than 75K subscribers). I do note that the FS YT channel has over 80K subscribers.... (again, out of how many English speakers with internet access across the world?)
So, I suggest - the most obvious answer is money! And, making more and more money in particular.
And, apparently, the CICO+ sessions would have helped with precisely that! AND, if accurate, would have seriously bolstered the reputation of RV in general, and FS in particular!
So, imagine the impact of having 5 or 10 crypto targets given to the public (perhaps for free, perhaps for just a nominal price) that were shown to be 90% accurate - for times that were months or even years in advance... Imagine the reputation gain... Imagine how that would impact all those not-yet-awake sheeples who come for the money, but stay for the rest of it... and then, imagine what the world would have looked like after this has happened for even one year!
And, imagine what YOUR life would have been life if you could have afforded** to purchase those CICO identities, continued living a life that had much more time to practice RV, buy DAP setups to record UFOs, to help bribe... I mean, "lobby" ... politicians to move the UAP agenda forward in the USA (and maybe other countries).
(** I need to point out another shooting in the foot by FS... $5000 plays right into the hands of those who are trying to keep us controlled. How many of us here on the forum have purchased this? (how many outside this forum are even aware of it??)
Now, how many of you here would have purchased it if it cost only $500?? Or, if you could buy a specific crypto target at, say $00. Or a Top 10 performers list for a few hundred dollars??
If the number who would put their hands up for buying the full list at $500 is more than 10, then they've made more money than if none of you bought it at $5000.)
I'll be blunt here.
Not having this now available at an easy to afford level says two things to me - and probably most others who have a more sceptical mindset.
1) the forecasts they've done have been unusable. At the very least, the FS team don't think it's reliable (after all, have *they* gotten rich off it??)
2) given #1, it should be presumed that the FS RV data is inaccurate (at best).
There's a third... FS has lost sight of the actual goal, and/or don't actually know how to achieve it.
(Even the "good ETs" have basically said that the majority of humanity have to wake up... not just the very few that FS attracts to this site - or the 75K who subscribe to the RV Reddit)
Having RV sessions of the future *THAT BENEFITS PEOPLE IN A WAY THEY CAN ACT ON* is what will make all the difference in saving this planet!
So FS - focus on the goal and how best to achieve it!!! And that means, attracting people with what's important to THEM, not just what's important to YOU.