Some of you now know that I am a Certified Tai Chi Instructor; more-specifically, I am a certified Martial Arts Instructor, one in which Tai Chi (a full entire system) has been integrated into our style/system. Recently, Aziz Brown has mentioned and recommended the material from a Grand-Master Wolf, but, not everybody is necessarily going to nor will necessarily be interested in trying to navigate through videos in trying to figure mediation out, thus, what I am about to describe/teach here in this thread is going to be more «structured» and I will be explaining the reasons behind these practices, how-ever, if I am contacted by either my instructor or any of the other higher-ups from my Federation that I am revealing too much on-line, then, I will need to delete this thread.
For now, before i get into the details, a bit of an introduction to our style's version of Meditation (and, keep in mind, that, this version is probably going to be far different and more «structured» than Grand-Master Wolf's materials on Meditation). For our classes in Tai Chi mediation, everyone first learns a standing version of meditation, one where the feet are positioned about shoulder-width apart, parallel, without locking the knees (we never lock the knees so they are kept bent slightly), head remains up-right and back remains straight (treated like the top of your head is being held up by a string so that your back and spine is vertical). The purpose of this is for rooting (keeping centre-of-gravity low and developing the ability to keep the feet planted and rooted/connected into the ground).
Keep in mind, that, when I first learned meditation, it was described and explained to me that it is one of those things that actually needs to be practiced for long periods of time (for as long as you can; a minimum of at least half an hour at a time or even two straight hours or more if you can), each and every single day, consistently, for at least six months in a row, before you can really start to notice any significant-abilities surfacing, but, my instructor was/is very skeptical (like a materialist) that there is any such thing as psychic-abilities, strange as that may seem, considering that he acknowledges that our grand-master is capable of bringing himself into an OBE-State within only two minutes of meditation.
When first teaching students to Meditate, they will often start out with five-minute or ten-minute sessions, to get new students acclimated to the practice, then, sessions are eventually extended to 15 and 20 minutes and sometimes eventually even up to 30 minutes during class-sessions.
If there's an electric-fan in the class-room, the fan is turned on in order to act as a sort of white-noise, lights dimmed or completely turned off in the room, and, the Group-Meditation Session(s) start; in our practice of Meditation, we breathe in slowly through the nose as slowly as we can without forcing it to be slow but slow as you can «naturally» keep the breathing slow all the way into your stomach (not your chest), shoulders and elbows stay relaxed (and the rest of your body also remaining as relaxed as possible), then, once you have breathed all the way in, slowly exhale by breathing out through the mouth as slowly as you can without forcing it to be slow but breathing as slow as you can «naturally» breath slowly, followed by repeating this breathing pattern in through the nose and out through the mouth as slowly as you can with as deep of breaths as possible into your stomach (not the chest-area).
And we also have a «thought-control» method/protocol for this in order to help new students be able to «let go» of «wandering thoughts» (yes, this is going to be kind of opposite from the Wolf-teachings, but, even though we do have this protocol, this «structure» is to help new students or newcomers to have some sort of «direction» in addition to being related to our build-up of Chi or Chi-Energy, and, eventually, you are supposed to let go of even this thought to where you do not think of any one particular thing at all during meditation, but, are simply aware of everything and your surroundings without focusing nor thinking of any one particular thing amongst those surroundings), one where you simply create the mental-imagery of a bright-white ball of (healing) light-energy slowly moving up the back of your spine as you are slowly breathing in through the nose (inhaling) then that bright-white ball of light-energy is moving slowly down the front of your spine each time you are slowly breathing out (exhaling).
Most beginners or people who are very highly «distracted» in their lives may find it a bit of a challenge to maintain even 3 or 4 cycles of this mental-imagery before their «thoughts» do «wander» off into other «concerns» (e.g. : bills to pay, work that needs to be done, sudden rumination about some past and/or future conversation/s, etc.), getting to 12+ cycles is good, but if you are able to maintain it all the way up to at least 80 cycles or more without losing the mental-imagery of that ball-of-light (or having it being over-layed) then you are doing great ! In our practice, when we «catch ourselves» and find our «thoughts» have «wandered» and we lost track of that Bright-White Ball of (Healing) Light-Energy, that is when we just simply «mentally start over» and keep returning to that Ball-of-Light moving up and down our spines until that «thought» can be /maintained/ throughout the whole entire duration of the meditation-session (again, this is for mental-structuring purposes, and, related to Chi-Control, but, ultimately, and this part does align with Grand-Master Wolf's recommendation/s on Meditation, eventually, you want to be able to let go of needing to «focus» on ANY «thoughts» and simply be aware of all of your surroundings and thoughts without focusing on any particular one).
When our Grand-Master Meditates, which he practices every day for at least a minimum of two hours in a row, it will usually be in a sitting position with his posture straight, but, unlike what you see in pop-television about meditation-practices, our palms are not face-up, but, our hands actually covers our knees in order to both keep our knees warm as well as to prevent the energy channel from leaking out.
Anyway, for people who need/want any guidance on this «Tai Chi» version of Meditation, this will be my contribution into the Far-Sight Forums and for its Forum-Members for now. Let me know if any of you have any questions or need anything clarified if you choose to practice this form of Meditation.
P.S. : When I do this version of meditation, particularly if you are consistent with the breathing pattern, whilst falling asleep, not only does it seem to be much easier to remember any «dreams» that you may have had, but, this is also what I do if I intend to try to invoke any sort of Lucid-Dreaming (doesn't always 100% trigger, but, upon maintaining its practice consistently every day, Lucid-Dreams can actually often be induced at-will; the key thing here is consistent deep-breathing whilst also maintaining awareness of your surroundings without thinking of any one particular thing and simultaneously keeping your whole entire body as absolutely relaxed as possible so no «muscling» anything).
P.P.S. : Another alternative to the Bright-White Ball of (Healing) Light Energy is to simply maintain thought-control over paying attention that you are simply maintaining consistency in your Deep-Breathing where you are keeping your breathing consistent, all the way inhaling through the nose (deep breath into the stomach like how a baby breathes) then all the way out through the mouth and as natural-slow as possible for both inhaling and exhaling (slow, slow, slow, very slow, not fast, for, nothing here is forced).
Edit/Addendum : Random Remote-Viewing Target for Who-Ever Wishes to Try = 9569-D90B