I did a holistic degree in bioresonance from there I knew the fields were possible so I started playing around it was hard to get off my body originally I started with 2 pendullums one in each hand and moving them in different controlled directions
Then I went on
This one here was the first time I got it more then a foot from my body let's say a meter about
You hear me huming - Vagus Nerve stimulation- this stimulation synchronizes the cells on your body allowing the transfer of energy easier through the cells
This was a middle stage one
So i felt happiness in my heart and excitement at this point I was pulling fields from my chest area and pushing them out
Last night I was practicing I didn't get videos sadly but I was about 2 meters away I didn't get the device into the green but I was standing tinfoil behind the wheel and able to knock it over it was very invigorating
So wax on and wax off karatie kid is also known as packing the energy
Inward turns packs positive energy and outward turns packs negitive energy.
Cheers on your ventures guys & gals