Amongst a number of some of the more-recent video-releases over the last month or two, Dr. Courtney Brown has mentioned that DNA has a great deal of effect upon dictating, controlling, deciding, influencing (heavily) one's beliefs, political-leanings & that these findings are not even controversial.
I wanted to dig further into this, for some reason, and, whilst looking up these studies, that support these claims, a question «popped» into my mind, with the «LGBTQ+ABC.XYZ/etc.» movement, and, various people who complain about a «woke» agenda being pushed, I couldn't help but to wonder if any of these things were/are related for some reason; I do not believe that DNA changes or is altered «randomly» but requires conscious-intention, although it is known that DNA can be changed (and creatures can actually be genetically engineered), a «biological-robot» that is described elsewhere on these forums as the «organic-portals» (same thing basically), without any souls/spirits/etc., that begs a variety of questions as to whether DNA over-rides consciousness, beliefs, tendencies, behaviours, soul, spirit, etc., the other way around, what can change the DNA, etc. ? (I guess I can look-up next what can change/alter biological-DNA later after this thread gets posted)
Disclaimer : I had some assistance from Co-Pilot in order to obtain its following information...
BBC Article: This article discusses the growing body of evidence suggesting that political views could be influenced by our genes. The idea that political views have a genetic component is now widely accepted enough to become a field of study with its own name: genopolitics. This began with a pivotal study, which showed that identical twins shared more similar political opinions than fraternal twins.
Pew Research Center Study: Using data collected from a large sample of fraternal and identical twins, a research team found that genes likely explain as much as half of why people are liberal or conservative, see the world as a dangerous place, hold egalitarian values or embrace hard-core authoritarian views.
Political Analysis Journal Article: This article offers a new explanation for the results of twin studies in political science that supposedly disclose a genetic basis for political traits.
Massive Science Article: Numerous papers have used twin studies to assess political party affiliations, attitudes and inclinations. Many of them have suggested that genetic factors play a role in how political ideologies are formed.
Co-Pilot then concluded : These studies suggest that while our genes may influence our political beliefs, they do not determine them entirely. Our upbringing, personal experiences, and social influences also play significant roles. It’s important to note that these studies are based on statistical correlations and do not establish a direct cause-and-effect relationship between specific genes and political beliefs.
Sources referenced...
Ultimately, though, the question I felt compelled to posit here, was in regards as to whether people would use this information as an «excuse» to go about engaging in anti-social-behaviour, with the «rationalisation» that «it's in my DNA» (something similar to : the Devil made me do it), although on the other hand, people who are prone to DNA dictating their actions/behaviours/beliefs, are probably the the external-influence type (forgot if this was the Type I or Type II Personality Trait), who would not believe in things like this anyway, even if DNA is ironically scrambling their brain's logic-circuits/etc.
DNA is the expression of the soul as it connects to the physical body. We use it like keys on a keyboard and then the body is the expression of that output like the screen would be for a computer. As for the LGBTQ crap...much of that is mass mind programming where they use different frequencies to alter thought in their own favour. They can manipulate many people at once to do what they need to do...but that mostly works on those who can't resist the programming such as the Organic Portals/NPCs and not those with a spirit who are already awake and aware. Also, many fallen are now hiding out in human meatsuits as they're being taken out in the higher realms which contributes to at least the pedophilic expression of the trans/drag aimed at kids portion as these beings especially feed on the innocent and pure energy of the youth. I wrote about this in my thread: