I've tried different religions, and studied much, as well as meditated and reached very high states of consciousness.
But honestly, nothing has liberated me more than these Farsight videos. Perhaps that its just added a very important missing piece?
Its a blessing, because I see now, that my whole life I've been running around following my post-hypnotic post death-trap programming. I was powerless and certain to fail after death, because I could never be "perfect" enough. Farsight brings a wholistic truth.
Its not that religions, channeled entities and spiritual beliefs don't contain tons of truth. What they don't tell you is the dangerous part. In fact, religions set you up to fail. Even hearing near death experiences sets you up to fail. The dogma of karma sets one up to fail. I could go on and on.
The Death Traps and the knowledge that Remote Viewing is an inherent power of our being, brings me the awareness of "coming home" and feeling "liberated." I have a long way to go, but, this puts me on a good track. God is within and that power is ours. It has nothing to do with something out there, but about us getting back in touch with our true identity. Those memories are in there, and they are awakening!
Keep up the good work! You gave me a new mission to my existence: destroy the death traps!
I'm NOT advocating going to a "cult of the org/church/mission", but scientology has been on about this for decades. and thus been aware of it for decades, and getting people's pre-this life (including between-life) memories back for decades. this, in fact, is the entire *purpose* of the organisation - to get you your memories back, to get you to fully understand your true identity, and to escape the DTs. (Along the way, you'll get your other abilities back, which includes RV).
There are alternate avenues than the very oppressive cult called the "Church of Scientology" - people who realised there's good information and techniques, but a very aggressive (insane) leadership, and thus got out ... but kept up with the learning and clearing. Some choose to only use what LRH came up with "himself" (he had a couple of ghost writers!), but there are others who took what was produced, and chose to add or refine it.Tthere are also those who took the tech, and went in quite different directions with it. Also, pretty much everything ever written and published is available online.
Scio has become infamous for the whole 'Xenu' stuff... but if you take that as an interpretation, then you'll see so many parallels to what's going on now (except, sort of naturally, about current events. I'd imagine that having gone through the DTs a few thousand times, one wouldn't be able to so easily see this).
(Xenu - a long long time ago, perhaps in a galaxy far far away, some powerful evil entity decided he wanted control over everything. Naturally, not everyone agreed, and those who went up against him were captured, and sent off to a far distant planet (called Teegeack (sp??)), and dropped into volcanoes, and had H-Bombs dropped on them to help wipe their memories. The souls were then implanted with forced ideas to need to have MEST* bodies (along with the complete lack of memories). When a soul dropped a body (ie, it died), it would go through a death trap process which involves something akin to being hit by lightning, and the memory wiped again, and the implants reinforced. And thus, here we are now...)
(*MEST = Matter Energy Space & Time)