Welcome to Dangerous Dave's School of Astral Projection. Its here you'll learn the Art of Soul Flying. Yes, haven't you always wanted to zoom up to the stars and down to the bottom the ocean? Well now you can !
With a few short lessons you'll receive your certificate as a Soul Pilot ! Learn how to lift off and out of your body and then to zoom around your room. Soon you'll be rocketing off to other worlds and be meeting Aliens and friends from other life times.
This will be the resource you never knew you needed, The information that will help you reclaim your piloting abilities long lost when you landed with a thud on this Planet. Come soar again into the heavens and rocket across the universe to strange new worlds !
The concept of astral projection makes no sense. You don't HAVE a soul. You ARE a soul. You're not projecting anything. You're simply intending to be somewhere/somewhen with your awareness and perception. A soul is capable of bi-locating, or tri-locating, etc. It's much simpler than "astral projection."
The soul leaves the meatsuit and has the cord attached to the body. You are not the body or the soul you are the spirit inhabiting the soul inhabiting the meatsuit. It's perfectly capable of leaving the body and coming back in. As for bi-locating that would be more so remote viewing where the soul doesn't leave the body only accesses the akashic records etc.
I believe that, as spiritual beings, we exist beyond the confines of time and space, yet as human beings, we perceive ourselves as living within a specific moment and location. We collectively agree on this shared reality and follow its rules. But what about during REM sleep? In that state, we can experience entirely different times, places, and realities—ones that feel just as vivid and real as our waking lives.