As stated in the latest Conversation with Harvey episode, everybody knows that the cold war will turn into a hot war eventually. At this point in time, it seems to be all about moving the pieces into the right positions. So the question is: What will trigger it?
Farsight is talking about that "contract" that seems to hold everything in place, at least for now. Allegedly, a breach of contract will start the hot war immediately. But what do we know about that contract?
1. UFOs of the good ETs trespassing Earth territory does not breach the contract. The UFOs are simply shot down and retrieved by the bad ETs.
2. Appearing an camera does breach the contract. I mean, a recording of Harvey sitting with Courtney on the beach seems to be a worst case scenario for the bad ETs, although Harvey, according to Courtney, looks human.
3. The good ETs respect a contract with bad people enslaving their friends and relatives? No good person what call that a contract at all, because that would be disrespectful to the victims who are held captive in a state of enslavement! (That's why I'm very suspicious of Harvey's group.)
Well... whichever way you look at it, that contract story doesn't make any sense. I think the contract doesn't exist at all. So, here's a theory:
The hot war will be triggered as soon as the people on Earth understand that there is no contract with the bad ETs, and demand to be free.
You're onto something. You came to the right conclusion that its up to humans individually, to declare their freedom, but there are contracts in place and I can explain the mechanics:
I think the problem is there's a very different understanding of a binding contract between the bad and good ET.s The Bad ETs understand only might, whereas the good ETs understand individual agency. This stems from the good ETs being more evolved and having great compassion and empathy, telepathically feeling our collective pain, caused by our tyrannical rulers. I know this exists, cause I feel it. Many feel it. That oneness is our strength. That connection to the Source or God, makes the good guys ultimately more powerful than any AI. But only slowly, over time does that manifest as superior, because infinite intelligence is difficult to distinguish from the super intelligence of an AI, in the short run.
Yet there are sociopaths; those are the bad ETs. They don't understand this suffering. They see only force and control because they are cut off from that interconnection that builds empathy. An AI guides them, because God cannot.
The contract that was made between the good ETs and the bad ETs is the more important one to understand.
Imagine two such groups coming to an agreement, based on the desire to not have a hot war. That's a common denominator that both good and bad ETs can understand. The bad ETs know the good ETs fear the Death Traps more than death itself, and that without those traps in place, they have no leverage.
They know Earth humans are so brainwashed by the old Empire system, which reflects the bad ETs value system, that if they showed up to liberate us, we would see them as the bad guys and psychically reject them. The bad ETs could use this to trap us even further.
So, the good ETs are playing a very long game, to wake up humanity. Its happening on levels that the AI cannot sense--non-physical levels and seems innocuous to it.
There are contracts with our military and the bad ETs. But that contract is simply turning our military into servants of the bad ETs. They are fooled.
The other contract is between the good and bad ETs, to prevent a hot war, with terms acceptable to the AI, which makes it think that it is keeping this prison under its control.
But you know what they say about plans? Tell God your plans if you want Him to laugh.
The infinite intelligence can operate outside of time, an infinite number of levels above anything the AI can perceive or manipulate.
Trust that. There is compassion in this universe, because we are all one and even free beings do not want us to continue to suffer. Compassion is a highly evolved trait and more powerful than anything. A rescue mission is underway.
But there's still one problem, and I don't see that the supposed "good" ETs understand that, because if they did, Harvey would have explained that already.
The problem is that nobody can conclude a contract for another one. Nobody is bound to a contract another one concluded.
Unfortunately, most people on this planet believe that you can be bound by a contract through government. That is the bad ETs value system! The government is a coercive institution, not representing free will at all. So, an ET faction that believes in free will "fanatically", as Courtney emphasized more than once, would refrain from calling that agreement a contract. Because it is coercive in nature. A contract cannot be based on coercion.
Harvey's group may be at war with the ones running the prison planet, but as far as I'm concerned, if they believe in government, they are no free will aliens. The government is the reason why there are prison planets in the first place. You need governments to keep death traps running. But Harvey doesn't talk about that "little detail" at all. Instead, the "Lady" who's in charge wants to talk about that women can do everything, as if we don't know.