I had a lucid dream a few years ago where I was in a conference room of sorts. I was told I was on another planet and the other people in the room were representatives of different planets. The people on the planet I was on had brought the rest of us there to check on whether our races were ready for contact. I said I thought humans were ready although a lot of them would be pretty surprised and still needed to control their emotions better. Later they took me outside. It was nighttime and I remember how bright the sky was with stars. Millions and millions of them...it made night not so dark. That was striking to me...I had never pictured being on a surface of a planet like that before...maybe near the galactic center or a spiral arm of stars. They then told me they made transportation devices (like cars) out of materials like plants or materials that were more organic and environmentally friendly. They also told me they wondered why humans didn't do that themselves yet since we already have the technology. That was pretty much the dream. It sure felt real when I woke up.
Do you think you could induce more lucid dreams if you tried?
you can while meditating before bed with that intention 3 weeks later you start to be between that theta delta state, or almost a sleep but still conscious.. for me i started to see the static, which is something you see when doing a shamanic medicine experience, that static starts to show you the matrix.. infinite patterns of structures constantly changing their energy and the language that is imprinted on them, to make the analogy, just like Neo starts to see everything with the language of the matrix, its close, then i saw 2 little bots like-forms, like they were policing the ethereal, if i had to guess they could probably be A.I. but for me was the same many people describe when having an OBE experience. then i can't remember what i saw more.