Something that has been on my mind about some of the material I've seen on Farsight is whether it's possible that an imaginary target that exists only in the mind possibly produce the same results as real targets, thus spoiling the credibility of RV. One of the comments in this forum stated that "Dick Allgire made up a place in his mind and the RVers successfully RVed it as Dick imagined it". That got me to do some researching on more of Dick's work and I came across a teaser video by him (or his group FFG specifically) with the very clickbait-ey title "Where Did The Human Race Come From?", released just two days ago! I thought the universe was speaking to me!
Despite the red flags that the full video was only available to their highest tier membership (at an eye-watering $100/month), that there is absolutely no source mentioned apart from it being "a conversation with the most knowledgeable person Dick has ever conversed with", or mentioned as a vague "Special Advisor" on their website, despite all of the intuition that I have slowly trained up since waking up my right brain telling me that this is probably too good to be true, I decided to check the membership and video out anyway because Courtney has a great regard for him and because I have seen good RV work by Dick.
Fast forward to the video. This "special friend" of Dick's that is going to provide all this valuable, earth shattering information about humanity (for me at least) goes simply by the name Mike, and there is no other introduction provided, or how Mike came by all this "knowledge". I go through the video, and I realize I could have simply gotten the same information if I walked on skid row and asked a crackhead for directions, although I have to give credit to Mike for being able to go on for 2 hours and keeping some consistency in his spiel. I don't doubt some of his information is true, but he probably mixes fact with fiction better than how grandma mixes her meds.
Needless to say, I unsubscribed my membership right away. Do I regret getting it in the first place? No, because it was still valuable information to me that Dick Allgire has his motives and methods up the wrong alley with the focus on money and his association with crackpots.