I didn't think it would be a dangerous target; regarding emotional-stability, well, was that also not part of the reason why people need to be at least 18 years old before they can start to learn remote-viewing ?
Clarifying the Question/Scenario : It's like «asking Jesus» (or his Spirit) where his True Home is located (the religious text-books allude to it to being what he allegedly called the Kingdom of Heaven).
The writings of his current-life re-incarnation as Terence has indicated that the «heaven» that he is from is not located in any physical co-ordinate of this particular material/physical-universe. Neither can «heaven» (the REAL one) be accessed through FORCE (that not even a million Billion TRILLION military units from the combined armies and navies and marines and special-ops and brigades and platoons and anything else that is associated with units, squadrons, ranks, etc., within any gang or mafia or military or otherwise organisation can EVER «breach» the «entrance» to «heaven» [and, I need to make this PERFECTLY CLEAR, we're talking about what The Messiah deems and considers to be the TRUE Heaven, rather than those places that are merely /called/ «heaven» by any so-called «Ascended Masters» who are in fact LIARS and DECEIVERS who did NOT /actually/ «go to heaven and come back here» like they FALSELY claimed as a result of their delusions and/or ego]).
Yes, places exist «out in the universe» (this universe, the material-universe, the physical-universe) that are indeed better than the earth-life, a number of places even being FAR BETTER than the Earth-Life condition, how-ever, /just because/ an Is-Being MAY have found a «better place» in the After-Life, a «better place» than what their Earth-Life entailed when they witness/experience the Post-Mortem Existence, does NOT (automatically) mean that they have «arrived in heaven» and, the result is that, /just because/ the «conditions» are indeed _better_ than what is found on earth in an earth-life, many of these Is-Beings end up FALSELY ASSUMING that they have «arrived in heaven» when in fact they had NOT.
Although perhaps I could see how some people might not be able to handle the target in terms of how much better and more pleasant it is to learn about and know about the existence of a whole entire realm where absolutely every Is-Being within it is absolutely peaceful and delightful, then, when comparing it to what we're all dealing with here on this earth and even throughout this universe, such a thing could certainly be a potential cause for those who've had a taste of it to find the situation «down here» within this universe to be really depressing. Even the Messiah himself had written about the «DEVASTATING NEWS» when people find out the TRUTH from HIM @ http://the-testament-of-truth.com/islam/web/alliance.htm#page_9 or http://www.the-testament-of-truth.com/truth/web/alliance.htm#page_9
Anyway, DMPs (Deep-Mind-Probes) have already been demonstrated to be possible, and, telepathic-communication is a LOT FASTER when trying to «convey» experiences and/or memories and/or feelings and/or perceptions than either typing it out or any other «physical-medium» language; some Projects have already been done about the man, regarding the «Crucifixion» (or so-called), but, certainly, not all Remote-Viewers seemed to perceive «pleasantries» with the Is-Being who animated the past-life-avatar popularly known as Jesus (Yeshua ben Joseph).
And, another perception that I remember from my pre-this-universe-life-memories that I need to inject, was when I tried to communicate to Is-Beings within these realms from which their Vantage-Point made me non-visible or invisible to them (was something metaphorically like me trying to communicate with Is-Beings who got themselves trapped in a fish-bowl), but, any sort of «truth» I was trying to communicate to them (via telepathy) regarding «what you are doing unto others you are just doing unto yourselves» and ESPECIALLY when it came to ANYTHING regarding «re-incarnation» and other «karmic-consequences» of their hostile inter-actions upon others, the «expression(s)» that I received in return were not necessarily from the Is-Beings whom I was trying to communicate unto, but, a number of what I perceived as Darkness-Beings (Is-Beings who took on the «form» of Darkness or a Dark-Mist so-to-speak; similarly to how some Is-Beings might take on the form of an «Orb» I suppose) who apparently were linked to and hand control over the MINDS of the «mortal» Is-Beings whom I was /attempting/ to «warn» (and if I were to convert these pre-universe-life-memories into some sort of Remote-Viewing Session vocabulary then I would «deduct» that it came across as the «Russians» being /very proud/ that they were /always/ and are /always/ able to «repel» _any_ and _all_ «invaders» for many generations on end, but, through and via the «destruction» of the «lives» of the «invaders» that it only made things worse for them «spiritually» in the eternal-scheme of things).
Following up from the last part of my previous paragraph in parentheses, although I do not mean to sound callous, the truth remains that any and all perceived «injustices» ARE due to one's Is-Being PAST (Spiritual-Past) and «complicity» into having done the same unto others in the past; not many people, particularly Western-audiences, know anything about the «Maidan-Massacre» nor the «Donbass-Massacres» but, from my pre-this-universe-life-perceptions/memories, let's just say that I had the Perceptive-Vantage-Point of being able to see «between-generations» or «inter-generationally» since I had access to full-whole-entire-time-frames spanning over literal centuries (another vantage-point also allowed me to witness, albeit in a somewhat condensed or abridged fashion, a whole entire couple of BILLIONS of years of just how badly certain Is-Beings would «suffer» as a result of what another Is-Being termed to me and warned «not to become like Hitler» whom I had absolutely no idea what it was talking about via telepathy since I had not YET «experienced an earth-life» from that vantage-point; this might conflict, how-ever, with another pre-life perception that I had actually been «down here» before, but, for whatever reason, opted to do a memory wipe because of all of the past significant-mistakes that I had made that were both a combination of embarrassing as well as traumatic that it probably needed to be suppressed from memory for purposes of stabilising or re-stabilising emotions; I am sure just about everybody has experienced things that they'd much rather forget about or even erase entirely from history like it never even happened but now I'm digressing from what we'd try to get out of the target or targets). The «victims» (civilians) who were «massacred» at Donbass and/or Maidan and/or other such places were potentially (military soldiers) within their own past-lives who were «reaping what they sowed» from previous-generation-lives (again, I am not trying to sound callous about this, but, this is the «spiritual-reality» for how things play out in the «eternal-chess-game» for your soul, and, if the reports and documentaries are true that Ukrainian forces are modern-day versions of the 3rd Reich who hunt down Russians in the same or similar manner to what the history books claim about what happened to Jews, then, they who have caused such suffering are simply taking on the «karmic-burden» that gets «transferred» from the «massacred victims» unto themselves in their own futures, due to be «massacred» themselves, the Dark of God most-certainly intending it and WANTING it to be in a manner that MAXIMISES their «suffering» such as having them «massacred» whilst they are still «children» when they re-incarnate; the «Secret Identity» of «Satan the Devil» that «would be revealed in End-Times» IS none other than «God» Himself after all).
So when some of the Remote-Viewers were getting «hostile» reactions/dispositions/etc., when interacting with the Messiah Is-Being, the question then becomes, why was that the case, was it the same Is-Being with whom Aziz was interacting with or were there other Is-Beings who might be normally invisible, /even to remote-viewers/, who «manifested» themselves for purposes of and in order to prevent the Remote-Viewers from being able to interact with the Is-Being of the Messiah who were trying to prevent any Remote-Viewers from establishing any Psychic or Telepathic-Connection with the Is-Being associated with the Jesus-figure ? I mentioned the earlier example of how my attempts at «fish-bowl-communication» was met with other/additional Is-Beings who were apparently «Neural-Linking» into the MINDS of the Is-Beings of Mortal-Form, how-ever, rather than being Neural-Linked to the Target Is-Being, are other Is-Beings some-how aware of and perhaps doing «Blocking» Techniques that give the Remote-Viewer the _impression_ that Subject A feels and/or expresses disdain for the Remote-Viewer ? The recent «Epstein» revelations have added the «Anti-Blocking» methods/procedures and of course it seems like a bunch of «Target-Revisits» are probably now in-the-works due to the «blocking» phenomena now being known...
I put and posit this response as the Current Voluntary Successor to the Messiah;
And, just in case there are new readers, I need to make it clear that, I am not calling myself the Messiah or a Messiah, but, that I am really just some «nobody particularly important» who is simply taking it upon myself to attempt to carry on the works of the very Messiah himself from where he left off due to the «retirement» of his «pen» from a few years ago (ever since 022TL which is 2018CE), due to his «health-problems» (but one of his last e-mail messages to me was that he was HAPPY that he had finally written ENOUGH «TRUTH» so that ANY Is-Being who wanted to free themselves or become free of the Dark-Energy known as Sin in its Noun-Form, what I term as QDPs [Quantum-Dissonance-Particles], now has ACCESS to being _able_ to do so IF they so /choose/). The «reasoning» for this is due to the fact that so many of my recovered pre-this-universe-life-memories really do largely MATCH his descriptions about «spiritual-reality» that are written upon numerous pages at his/our/God's Golden Web-Site known as The Testament of Truth at http://the-testament-of-truth.com/truth/ or for the more Islam-Audience version at http://www.the-testament-of-truth.com/islam/ (although at some point I am going to need to make semi-mirror versions of those pages on my own Quantum-Note web-site to be able to clarify things that need further-clarification)