why don't we hear about any Farsight RV tagert misses? are we to believe the RVers are 100% on-target?
while i obviously support FS, as i'm a subscriber, i'm dubious about anything close to a 100% success rate, with respect to RV. the best & most accurate remote viewers ever known, are off-target, by a significant percentage, overall.
in joe mcmoneagle's book, "the ultimate time machine", on page 3 of chapter 1, he states [in reference to project stargate]:
"we viewed a remote viewing success rate of 60% as pretty remarkable."
ingo swann, the "father or remote viewing", had a 65% success rate, during the time he met with axlerod, and rv'd the moon. everyone should understand that even ingo, was off-target 35% of the time.
so why isn't Farsight clear about how often their viewers are off-target? what does Farsight [Courtney] do, when a viewer is off-target? does he keep re-tasking them, until they are? is there any frontloading, whatsoever, when a viewer needs to be retasked? has Farsight ever omitted a remote viewer’s target assessment, because it was obviously off-target?
Courtney, if you read this, please explain why Farsight doesn't disclose RV misses. Your paying subscribers deserve to know the truth of both RV hits & misses. In fact, your data would be considered more reliable, by most people with discernment, if we knew when the viewers were off-target. I haven't seen this from FS, for as long as I can remember...