3 coins may be used as random number generator like it's used in I Ching divination, simply toss the 3 coins and immediately write it down as head (h) or tail (t), this method provides a true random number generator verses a pseudorandom number generator like in binary computer system.
Are you sure you're not just remote-influencing its out-come ?
One time during high-school, one of the other students was flipping his coin, telling me to call heads or tails and, believe it or not, I called it correctly 27 times in a row (not joking nor exaggerating; if it's possible to verify this via completely blind scientific remote-viewing then all the better).
I was far less-experienced and a lot less-knowledgeable back then about psychic-phenomena though; was I really just predicting the future or using my hidden «over-write» ability to control the out-come ?
With all that I have experienced & observed thus far I currently lean towards the latter...;
Many people who end up in mental-institutions are also themselves _unknowingly_ psychic...
I like using coin toss for binary / hexadecimal number tags.
You can also use a deck of cards with all picture cards, jokers and rule cards taken out, just four sets of 1-10, with 10 being the digit zero.
The later, you can only draw 4 numbers before you have to shuffle again for the next 4 digits. But, it's a lot quicker than flipping a coin forty times for two 20 digit binary number that correspond to two lots of 5 digit hexadecimal numbers.
One can also write computer-code with any kind of complicated formula for RNGs;
And if you don't know how to code you can just ask Chat-GPT to Generate the Code...
Here are also a couple of other options for those who don't want to Down-Load Chat-GPT...
Just tell which-ever LLM (Large Language Model) of your choosing to Generate Code for you that out-puts RNGs to your specification; you can tell it to generate the code in Python 3, Java-Script, AutoIT3, C, C++, C#, Ruby, Assembly, Rust, Pascal, which-ever is accessible to you.
You can also specify whether you want the out-puts to be in the form of Characters, Strings, Binary, Hexa-Decimal, a certain exact or maximum or random length, Integers, any combination there-of, depending on how complicated you wish for the out-puts of the results...
I do need to mention though that, CONTRARY to what Jordan Peterson has said about Chat-GPT, its ability to write «entire code» that works is not entirely accurate; it can write SIMPLE code, but, if you're trying to do something complicated, you need to have it generate the SIMPLE parts of the code first, followed by reverse-engineering it yourself, THEN, once you comprehend how the code /actually works/, you can eventually combine it into a fully functional working code, for example...
Where RNG-A is Binary, RNG-B is Floating (Rounded), RNG-C is Hexa-Decimal, RNG-D are Characters, RNG-E randomly determines how RNG-A through RNG-D are re-arranged, etc.; rather than tell it to generate code that generates RNG-A combined with RNG-B combined with all of the other RNGs through RNG-E, you first ask it to generate code for RNG-A, followed by separate code for RNG-B, followed by the rest, then, you combine them all into one by yourself after some Reverse-Engineering.
I learned this the hard way when trying to get it to generate code for me for complicated web-site functions, such as combining randomly selected back-ground with options of rainbow-scrolling combined with fade-in-effect combined with optional text-colour-selection combined with dark/light (or day/night) mode toggle/switch; let's just say that it's not going to work... I had to have Chat-GPT _separately_ generate Text-Colour-Selection, Rainbow-Scrolling Effect for the Back-Ground also Separately, and, each and every other individual-part separately.
Actually, you know what, I just remembered that I went about writing and re-writing & testing & practicing coding for my web-page-coding skills where I can drop a couple of examples here...
(Both of the above pages that I put together took me a few days to work w/o any errors/issues)
Heh, with that, I just hit myself hard w/reminders how much work I still need get done...