Hi Courtney,
Is there any chance we could have a dedicated 'Remote Viewing Practice' forum category please?
Just a suggestion 😁
Great idea. I just did it. Let me know how it goes.
OMG that is awesome - THANKS Courtney!!
Hi Courtney,
Is there any chance we could have a dedicated 'Remote Viewing Practice' forum category please?
Just a suggestion 😁
Great idea. I just did it. Let me know how it goes.
OMG that is awesome - THANKS Courtney!!
hummm!... that would probably be of help in the future about Farsight Courses!
I think so too.
Is this intended to be for FS to post targets, or for the forum members to post?
I've been using the FS target pool (currently on A), largely because for my practice at the moment, going T1, T2, T3 is really easy to remember what the TRN is, and what's next on the list...
However, if the thread is for us to post targets, then the next question becomes - how are we to send our sessions? And then, how to get the feedback?
(or, are you anticipating we each create a way to do this, e.g., some cloudspace or similar.?)
It's for the forum to post.
In case you're not aware:
Scrolling about halfway down gets you to three Target Pools, e.g.:
yes thank you shining, i did knew about it, i just remembered what Courtney talked about the courses that Farsight wanted to do!
Still however procrastinating here, also due to other priorities, but this is about to change also!
I could make a suggestion here - and they are just suggestions.
Tazz has been a tasker for many Target Practice Sessions - I'm sure he could add or correct any suggestions.
If you post a Target thread - you are responsible for it -
Thats about putting the Target Number in the thread header -
In the post, asking for people to reply if they are going to attempt the Target -
Submissions to be sent to a dedicated email address owned by the person who posted the Target - so people can send their session notes and drawings.
A deadline date for end of submissions.
Reveal the Target after the deadline.
People who did the Target have the choice to show their sessions on the thread.
Discussing the Target post reveal.
If you've done a Remote Viewing Session somewhere else, or for any reason at all, and you want some feedback or have questions - post your RV session for comment.
if you have any questions about the FS RV process - or any Target - you could post a thread.
This is good. I haven't submitted a formal session in years.
Let's just say technology issues.
Thanks Del,
And really, I start to realize, going about this can be a very unregulated fashion. I've found a routine that helps me stay consistent. But unlike the building of a tower (if you build the pillars wrong you stand to kill everyone inside) - setting up targets by whatever means to your liking is really not posing any risk. If anything it just increases our chances of escaping the prison.
I do keep those 5 prongs up,
-have a public file so that anyone can review your previous targets.
-have a secret file (it's not so secret, but it's unreadable to the public). This one I actually share with farsight team. It's a duplicate of the public file. Not that there's anything the farsigh staff have to do with it, but this helps me verify that at least somebody knows if I've been consistent with my targets or if I've just been screwing it all up (farsight team, feel free to let them know if I failed at any of my target reveals properly)
-have a contact for people to submit whatever they want (audio, video, paper, text. Doesn't matter. Just like method, CRV, SRV, guerrilla viewing, doesn't matter).
-post a reveal date, just to give some idea when you think you'll want it revealed.
-post a description (it's always filled out in the secret file but it only gets filled out in the public after the reveal)
The other stuff (the posting date, the reasons for choosing) are not really necessary.
It's not like it's necessary for practice because you do have the Farsight practice system already. But it's a fun way to do it because basically almost no one can access the answer until your reveal.
I'm a bit scared of going into your 'Revealed targets' post - because I'd like to do your targets at some point, but don't want to spoil it by looking.
If they haven't been, can they be just a link to a file somewhere? Or at least spoiler-tagged (or black writing?)
Or, repost the Target as per previous threads, and then have a link/spoiler below??
Oooohhhh. You know that's a very smart suggestion. I could black everything out for the description and reason so that the information is there but not immediately readable.
I'll do that
I think at this point it would be good to have some resources for what makes good targets, and good targetting protocols and phrasing.
Definitely some shoulds and shouldn'ts.
I Promise I will study this document. but I have limited time over the weekend. Thank you.
I still got your email addy somewhere, IF I find anything to add, I'll let you know direct, OK?
That's unlikely but I really couldn't call it right now. And it's very rare for me to promise anything, because if there's one thing that causes self loathing in me, it's breaking a promise.
Breaking my word is bad enough, but a promise is like... different category.
Awesome! Thanks!
Couple other basic points for you Tazz - first of all, crafting a cue to get the viewer to just the right aperture point.
Obviously you don't reveal the cue to the viewer before they view, you may reveal it on feedback.
(Some taskers actually insist their cues are "proprietary" which is a bit like trying to trademark a question).
Second, for visual feedback, it's a good idea to crop the image if necessary, so ONLY the subject of interest is revealed to the viewer. (Source: Joe McMoneagle, book, "Remote Viewing Secrets", originator, Dr Ed May, SAIC / Laboratories for Research).
Not taking anything away from Courtney here, I just couldn't find specific reference in Prometheus document. Or rather, they implied the above rather than explicitly stating it. And I'm really, really on a fast track today. So maybe they are in there explicity stated and I just didn't catch them.
Please bear in mind - I have a history of simplifying technical documents for lay people.
Oh, and I think it wouldn't be fair to expect Tazz to know all this before setting up the target. Already done my initial session, but if the target has changed since, that's OK. I can redo.
Leaving this here because as it turns out, the email addy I have for Courtney appears to be broken or out of date.