I have known about Far-Sight for a good number of years; I am unable to pin-point which exact time-frame but I believe I've known about the institute for around a decade or possibly a bit longer by now; had been busy with other things for a while but eventually decided to «dig them up» again at some point and became part of its «audience» again since a handful of months ago.
The reason you «find» things or even think of them is also largely due to the Resonance-Frequency of your Is-Being; when it comes to «thoughts» and «emotions» they are literally by /materialist-oriented/ «scientific-definition» both impossible as well as non-existent (which is obviously absurd to anybody who actually experiences the phenomena and can actually observe their existence in the peculiar-behaviour of others). The purpose of my bringing this up is because NOT all «thoughts» are necessarily everyone's own; I have mentioned it before, and, I may as well mention it once more, that, this particular universe is a «unique» existence in the sense that Is-Beings that are here in this «material» (physical) existence DO originate from a variety of different realms or levels-of-consciousness if you may; the vast majority that are on earth have «incarnated» here from LOWER «thought-frequency» realms (which are full of Spiritual-Darkness) which is one of the reasons why wickedness flourishes throughout this universe (as above so below). Unless that «darkness» gets drawn out, the «sin» that the Messiah himself talked about constantly during his ministries, the Is-Beings that are «contaminated» with said «sin*» will CONTINUE to be «mind-controlled» via said Dark-Energy to NOT even THINK about looking for new information/ideas, but, just keep their heads buried up their...ahem...
sin* : For all intents & purposes, I will be using the term of QDP (Quantum-Dissonance-Particles), referring to the type of «energy» that is related to both thoughts and consciousness. The word «sin» was used by the Messiah as both a noun as well as a verb; when used as a noun he was referring to the contamination or tainting of one's Core-Is-Being by QDPs; when used as a verb he was referring to actions and activities and even verbal-expressions that took away the free-will of others, are typically defined as crimes or criminal, and, all other manners of resulting in the suffering of others.
I once thought of the «Jesus» figure myself as a «hero» whom I really looked up to and was quite «honoured» to had actually communicated with his re-incarnated Is-Being which was at first a lot like I ended up meeting with some universe-famous celebrity (not just world-famous; universe-famous), but, eventually I came to find myself being able to surpass him & a few areas of communication & being able to explain his works/teachings in a much more «scientific» manner & context, even having corrected portions of his own writings in the past, and is part of the reason I now refer to myself as his voluntary successor, although I do not remember specifically if I came up with that term either before or after he had retired his pen; in any case, the guy was taking on the «ignorance (and QDPs) of this world» pretty much alone and single-handedly which must have been quite frustrating and exhausting and exasperating for him, but, before the retirement of his spiritual-mission, one of his final-messages to me was that he was HAPPY that he had now finally written ENOUGH «Truth» into The Testament of Truth so that anybody who wishes to «become free of the Darkness» has the «opportunity» to do so.
Well, that is not the end of the story, for, amongst my pre-earth, ahem, pre-this-universe-life memories, I knew about an Is-Being who would be here (within these Darkness-Realms) who would «write a book» (I guess he technically wrote several) that was meant to «shine a light of Truth» into this universe that is otherwise completely permeated by spiritual-darkness; how-ever, amongst those memories, I also perceived that it would «simply exist» but not get much exposure in the world or in this universe, not at least as a result of his own efforts; another pre-universe «perception» (was this a form of pre-life remote-viewing ?) that I had was that ANY kind of «Truth» that was «injected» into this universe typically doesn't last long as is only temporary; the manner in which that perception came was like... well, hmm, how can it be described, I guess a gigantic pitch-black-liquid endless-ocean of a size that spans far beyond the reaches of what human-scientists have discovered about the size of this universe; anyway, periodically, patches of light would just «pop-up» at seemingly random places and/or co-ordinates of that canvas, but, especially once it reached a certain size (which usually wasn't even more than maybe even a fraction of a percent of the QDP-filled canvas), the Light-Energy would eventually just be «drowned out» and «covered» by the QDP-Energies like how liquid covers via diffusion.
Who knew that said «Is-Being» would turn out to be the very «Messiah» (Jesus) himself ? I most-certainly could NEVER have «imagined» such a thing even being POSSIBLE in my younger years; I mean, that guy was, you know, like «the stuff of legends» so-to-speak, and, for a lot of people, I guess many people still perceive him that way (but, spoiler-alert, the man has never claimed to be God; he simply «channelled» God's messages; if a «ventriloquist» says things through a «puppet» then does that «puppet» become the ventriloquist just because the name of the ventriloquist might be «God» and the words «I your God have spoken» have passed through the said puppet ? Not that I am calling him a puppet or anything as he had done all of what he did out of his own free-will-volition and is thus God's «favourite» boy).
Anyway, the «Light» (Truth) that the Al-Imam Al-Mahdi Al-Meshi (which-ever word the Muslims/Arabics use for Messiah) wished to spread and «Light up the World» with does exist within The Testament of Truth, and, regarding my earlier mention of how NOT all «thoughts» belong to one's own, some of the relevant audio-recordings that exist from his very own words and voice can be listened to here...
(Particularly the two with the description within : «Brother Terence Malaher speaks to the 'devious spirits' interfering into the mind of [then there are a couple of different people mentioned]»)
@Courtney Brown : I may as well respond to your take on the manipulation of DNA being a thought-control or mind-control mechanism (from the «Ultimate-Interview» that was recently released where you and Dick Allgire had a catching up on old times conversation). Here, the way I perceive things, DNA-Alteration to me comes across as being more of a «filtering» mechanism; does the brain generate the thoughts or do thoughts «flow into» the brain ? Whilst there are certainly supposed to be exceptions to every rule (with the exception of the Karmic-Rule as defined/specified by the Imam Al-Meshi), rather than the biological-structure being in control of the mind, I am just thinking that the biological-structure, and thus, DNA, simply filters out any potential Is-Beings who might have ANY semblance of autonomy from even incarnating into it; I also can say for a fact that Is-Beings whom are contaminated with volumes of QDP that exceed the 100% thresh-hold also lose all «rational» thought and become «as robots» so-to-speak which in fact, I believe that 98% of the Is-Beings who exist here in this universe are of that disposition, and are thus like «biological-robots» who «bury their heads in the sand» because the «thought» to even question or ever question «conventional-wisdom» simply NEVER crosses their «mind» UNLESS someone like the very Messiah himself comes in and «injects» SAID thoughts & questions & truths INTO the societies, cultures, cults, populations, that would otherwise NOT even exist here otherwise (High-Dimension-Thinking). From «where» would his «ideas» even originate ? Although I do not remember which specific-page I read his own example from, the Messiah himself had written that this particular universe is like a field full of old and re-cycled soil, but, was or is a ground that needed or needs to be 'tilled' with fresh soil that doesn't or didn't already exist within the field; this is his metaphor or «parable» for bringing «new thought» into a «universe» like this one that is otherwise so heavily dominated by the QDP-Energies.
@Rose : I am aware of my potential, but, I have other ideas (and intentions) for potentially changing the world (hopefully for the better), and, the best «route» for me is most-likely going to be in the direction of mass-influencing (although simply sharing & translating & describing & explaining The Testament of Truth in much more «scientific-oriented» depth & detail than the vocabulary used by the Imam Al-Mahdi is probably a decent start). And of course to Lead by Example in areas where I am actually qualified to lead (such as not responding in any negative or hostile manner when receiving insults for example). I do have my own challenges to face though, but, once I work out my issues, I know I can succeed.