Arlington institute was founded by futurist John L. Petersen. He usually has Penney Kelly, Dennis Kingsley, and Gregg Braden on regularly as part of there “transition talks”. Although they have conferences and interviews of many people. What i find interesting is the show that was posted to his YouTube account (5k subscribers), yesterday titled “the push to rise”. In this episode John discusses many events happening now. He talks about a global catastrophic event to the economy, war, the goal of the elite to create humans into a technocracy. He’s talked about Martin Armstrongs work frequently. If you’re unfamiliar with Armstrong, his computer Socrates has been extremely accurate in predicting major events in the world for 40 years including 9/11. His next major event is May of 2024 which according to Armstrong will be the beginning of the end of the United States which will break up into smaller countries and a civil war will occur. More importantly has been the talks increasing on the subject of ETs. On the recent episode I’m referencing later in the show he asks the question “could this reptilian idea be real and are they in fact controlling humanity”. I was shocked to hear him talking about this. Gregg Braden has been referencing remote viewing almost regularly. There aren’t many groups out there doing remote viewing, so I’m assuming they are watching.