Can Farsight remote view God? I am interested what you guys will find and if it is the same one in the bible?
They have already Remote-Viewed the «gods» (Elohim) of the bible;
Paul Wallis of The 5th Kind also already describes all of the bible's Elohim.
For the works of Paul Wallis you can find a video-list here...
Amongst those relevant to visiting the stories of «God» are also as follows...
And he also has a similar web-site to Far-Sight Prime at
Jean-Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Julie A Reeung
i have removed all of my comments on these fora due to ongoing jealous hostility by certain posters
To Aéius Cercle: Could not reply so I created a stand-alone comment.
As for
Beautiful production, outstanding research and contemplations. A new playground for my mind. Thank you.
Aéius Cercle