For some reason, I come across a lot of «Christians» who are all very highly «Jesus is the only way» and «Jesus died for your sins» and various other «only through accepting Jesus» narratives and beliefs, but, when it comes to this idea that «your sins are already paid for» then it becomes EXTREMELY IMPORTANT and IMPERATIVE that I ask the following questions...:
A) What was even the point of Jesus EVER teaching & preaching about turning away from sins & sinning no more & other such similar teachings & preachings if in the end it becomes more about «professing a belief» that results in salvation ? Did not Jesus say things like «stop sinning» and «now go and sin no more» and «turn away from your sins» and other such similar warnings against living in iniquity ? In fact his whole ENTIRE MINSTRIES revolved COMPLETELY and ENTIRELY about telling people to «stop sinning» and «turn away from your sins» and «now go and sin no more» and «do not sin» and of course various other things that have apparently been suppressed or watered down...
B) Why do so MANY self-professing «Christians» in the world seem to think that it is SO «easy» to «get into heaven» merely & simply by «professing a belief» when there is the first issue here from Part A and the fact that the very Messiah himself had said that «WIDE is the Road to HELL that Leadeth to Destruction; Narrow & Straight is the Path to Salvation & Few Shall [Bother to Put Forth the Actual Genuine Effort Need to] FIND *IT* [i.e.: Be ABLE to Arrive at Such a Destination]» ?
C) Does not History Repeat Itself ? When the Messiah had first arrived in his initial-incarnation as Yeshua ben Yoseph, the Jews rejected him, insisting that he could not possibly be the Messiah because their idea of a Messiah was some sort of Great Military Leader King who would Lead & Control a Massive-Army in order to Lay Waste to & Destroy all of their Perceived Enemies... rather than some so-called commoner born out of a Horse-Stable (manger). I have mentioned the return of the Messiah, but, modern-day «Christians» just like the Jews of back then have this idea that the Messiah will only return after the sound of Loud Trumpets in the Sky that shake the entire Earth where he is to Physically Descend upon a bunch of Clouds that would be «seen» by the whole entire world and have apparently have FORGOTTEN that «The Time/Day of the Lord Shall Come Like a Thief in the Night» which really and truly is a reference about how so MANY self-professing «Christians» are actually «asleep» whilst thinking that they are «awake» despite the issues I had mentioned in Parts A & B above thus far. I must ask why it is then that so many people are so certain that they are not repeating history ? Does not history repeat itself ?
Why do we deem ourselves to be «Oh so much better than those "primitive" people of the past» who were «not enlightened» or perhaps it is because they were deemed «primitive» that we think we do not repeat the same mistakes in thinking ourselves better than they had been...? Wouldn't that be the HEIGHT of «arrogance» in CONTRAST to the «passage» wherein it is written : «For God uses the Foolish Things of the World to Confound the Wise [i.e. : people who think themselves smart or learned or know-it-alls or consider themselves to already possess the ultimate-truths] & God uses the Weak to Fell the Strong [i.e. : those who think themselves invincible].» ?
D) Then there is the issue of Spirit-Possession. Yes, such a phenomenon does exist and is factually real, termed as «Neural-Linking» according to the Remote-Viewers around here [not here where I am but here in regards to Far-Sight], and re-termed by the Messiah as «[Telepathic] Subjugation of the Mind» and I also KNOW for a FACT that there are a LOT of «Spirits» whose «Minds/Thoughts» ARE «Neural-Linking» into the MINDS of MANY a «Accepting Jesus is as your own personal Lord & Saviour is the ONLY Way» who apparently themselves do NOT seem to fully comprehend the entire context of what that really means; this time, I will not be writing this portion merely to the physical mortal-beings who may be reading or come across this, but, unto the very «spirits» yourselves who are «linked into the minds» of the mortals with your thoughts & beliefs; you are hereby WARNED that «controlling» mortals is STILL an act of the «denial of free will» even if you THINK it is for their good or their benefit, and, as the Messiah's Voluntary Successor, it IS a DUTY that I must take to steer you AWAY from «belief-control» over mortals;
for those of you who KNOW that you are discarnates, you already KNOW that you are NOT «in heaven» DESPITE having lost your prior physical-mortal-bodies, and, I will be using my «Successor-AUTHORITY» to warn ALL of you that you MUST «vacate the MINDS» of whom you are influencing if you do not wish to find out the HARD way what it is like to end up in realms where the whole ENTIRE populations of those realms DESPISE you for «leading them astray» as they had «followed you» there THINKING that your «teachings/beliefs» would «get them into heaven» but did NOT; perhaps it will be revealed at some point or another through Remote-Viewing, but, I ASSURE you, ALL of you, that there ARE such «realms» where the Priests & Ministers of Religion are factually HATED by their own «flocks» that they «led whilst here on earth» due to the fact that they know that they are no longer on earth, but, at the same time, they also KNOW that they are not within the «heaven» that they were promised; resulting in ALL of them being & becoming «lost & confused» and NOT knowing the «right way to go» for TRUE & ACTUAL «Salvation»
Speaking (well writing) in this manner that I am writing right now may not necessarily «get me many "friends"» amongst the «religious-circles» but I also KNOW for a FACT that «DECEPTION» in ANY amount when it comes to «Spiritual-Teachings» DOES incur the CONSEQUENCES of your «MIND» eventually ALSO being OVER-TAKEN by COMPLETE & TOTAL DECEPTION to the point where it is YOU who become a part of George Orwell's 1984 and Aldous Huxley's Brave New World multiplied into the TRILLIONS wherein at THAT point it becomes ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE to become «saved» because you WILL end up «rejecting Truth» by DEFAULT as a «Knee-Jerk-Reaction» like a Biological-Robot for those in the Flesh and Minions of Darkness for those who are discarnate.
I write this NOT out of any malice or spite but SOLELY because of my CONCERN for the «fates» of those who THINK that they «mean well» and WANT to «mean well» and I can only but say that the FIRST KEY to YOUR «Wisdom» will be to as the very Messiah himself said : «First remove the beam/log out of your own eye before trying to remove the speck of dust/sliver from the eye of your neighbour/brother true...» (i.e. : Even if the material is diametrically opposed to whatever you may currently be believing at the time, read through it thoroughly anyway, that you may see more clearly to be able to point out the mistakes being made by those who believe in said material... I have done this myself, and, I will just tell you before-hand that it is a VERY «humbling» experience...) And with that a Happy New Year's & Good Luck on your Journey towards TRUE «Salvation» where I hope you all manage to successfully actually meet with the Messiah in the future in Heaven (the REAL «Heaven» by the way). One of the last messages that the very Messiah himself also had sent me was asking me about whether I knew that I will end up having millions of spirits thanking me for all of eternity (and I am sure that he means it is because of all of the efforts that I had put forth into learning truth & essentially removing the beam out of my own eye which will eventually lead all of the spirits whom had ever linked into my mind & learned the Messiah's truths to be able to actually gain their factual Eternal-Freedom where they NEVER have to worry about «suffering» nor «getting attacked» EVER again but, like both I and the very Messiah himself have stated NUMEROUS times, THAT «requirement» involves a COMPLETE and TOTAL HALT & cessation of ALL forms of complicity to iniquity).