"Maybe you are just confusing government and administration"
Once again, you seem to be using terms and ideas that run counter (or at least different) to the ways those words and ideas are used by the rest of us - and using your own definitions is a sure-fire way to create confusion!
Governments govern (funny that!). And administrations 'administer' (funny that too!) The former has the ability to make decisions (e.g., laws),whereas the latter do not - they only carry out the works needed to ensure that the decisions are put in place and operate (hopefully effectively).
You (and your linkee ranter) have overlooked the basic idea that some laws need to be enacted (and enforced), and that this is not simply a 'will of the people' idea - because the wills of the people often conflict. In the US, there's a huge divide between socialised healthcare and fully self-funded. Which system should be in place? And, once one has been established, are you actually expecting everyone of them to go along with it - even if it goes against their basic ideology, out of the goodness of their hearts?
Taxation - coercion??? Naturally, very few want to give up their hard earned money. However, if they want their kids to go to school to have roads to drive on, to have fire brigades to stop their houses from burning down, and a whole host of other things (including paying for a defence force), then that money needs to come from somewhere, and taxation is that system. If you made it' voluntary', then each and every individual would only contribute the minimum amount they felt they'd have to in order to look after themselves and their families (as a clear example of this, take a look at the different taxation systems around the world, and look at what those who pay it have to say about it!!!)
I'm sure you'll want to go back to "But you don't understand what I mean about government and administration..." rubbish.
So, let me just point out one clear example. The 'disclosure' issue that's plaguing the US at the moment... the government (ie, congress) wants disclosure. It's been put into law that various departments come out with the facts of what they know. However, it's various administrative departments that have blocked this, and is fighting the government (and the people's will) in this! The same can be said with the JFK assassination - the government said X, they got X-Y from the administration.
( I presume you're next post on this is going to be "but you don't *really* understand the words I'm using here... oh, and that's not a 'real' administration - because I'm using it to mean something different! - which, BTW, is called the "No True Scotsman" logical fallacy)
"Morality can be understood by way less intelligent beings than grays and others. Children from the age of 5 can understand it."
This last statement is absolutely, and demonstrably false! Children at the age of 5 can have some basic understanding of the meaning of the words involved, and can sometimes apply it, when they've been taught to. However, their actual ability to internalise is significantly lower than that of an adult's. This is part of their 'emotional maturity', and that as they get older, they are able to apply more effectively this concept of morality. A perfect example is exactly what you used - slavery! 5 year old kids who are used to having slaves around them will grow up to accept that there should be slaves around them. They can be taught either that slavery is ok and right, or that it is not ok and wrong... This is why slavery has existed for tens of thousands of years
Why might Harvey's world be different?
Umm - because everyone is telepathic....!