i do agree with you in a sense, but i find these topics also quite interesting due to the fact that it shows how and why these notions works. It is my believe that we need to stop doing what the channeling community has been "educating" to do, wich is to retract from "negative" belief systems or negative topics and concepts, this for me is one of the greatest manipulative ways to disrupt the collective. We simply cannot transform / change the "negative" without looking at it, if so, there's nothing to change because nothing there to be aware of. So the notion of not talk about it or not to be knowledge of, simply doesn't allow for room to growth.
We've been seeing through these RV reports the ways in wich these oppressive beings work with one another and their manipulative ways, this has bring us much knowledge in terms of the Truth of the means in wich the collective has been played out, is like, "now you know, then, what you are going to do about it?"
It also showed us that a negative oriented being reflects to their similares the same way is state of being is, meaning, they suffer but they all do the same thing to one another as it is their nature, this show us what means to be a positive oriented being, so to speak, or at least shows us the dance between these polarities and sometimes by acknowledging what we don't like or what is not align with us we know what we want and where to go.
Also raises the question why there is positive oriented beings working with the oppressive, for example.
Finding the ways that negative influence has on the human population help us to move forward into more knowledge of how to deal and work with into a more agreeable world but also help us to develop ourselves by dealing the with the Truth.
I'm not saying let's focus on the negative only, what im saying is in everything there is a balance focus point.
probably both, according to Farsight reports, and they have been showing themselves a lot. At least for me i've been seeing a lot of activity with orbs but also, disc shape with blue lights and the cigar shape.