@Alexander - Australia had just ONE mass shooting a couple of decades ago... and the response was virtually instant (politically speaking) and overwhelming... and yes, stayed in the news for months/years after.
@Eric.... meanwhile, around the corner in Yemen, over a quarter of a million have died in the civil war there, which the US (and other) have been involved... how many 9/11s is that? Oh, that's right, it doesn't matter, because they're not on the US' preferred pepole'/country's list. So, while it may not be 'Americans' per se (and, let's face it, there will be some in there, because of the various connections), it's still in the 'zone of influence'. I'm not one of those who think the Zionists rule and control everything (and are actually all reptilians in Masonic Temples murdering babies in blood sacrifices to Satan) - but I do recognise the large number of Jewish people in prominent positions in the US media, and thus have influence over government (the say that there are no Palestinians in the media, and why the narrative isn't going that way).
BTW - as of 2 weeks ago, 29 US citizens have been killed recently! https://abcnews.go.com/US/americans-killed-israel-hamas-war/story?id=103829720
(Lindsay Graham yesterday - https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/nov/01/lindsey-graham-israel-hamas-war-civilian-casualties)
Also, I don't think the US is 'over' committed to Israel - at least, not yet. (and I doubt it ever would be)
Re: China... their former Premier Li Keqiang died, and some of the comments about him are being seen as scathing towards current President Xi. As much as the media (both in China and the west) wants to paint Xi as completely in control, the actuality is he is losing power and popularity - particularly in the places where it matters most... That is, most of the Chinese people do not want to see an escalation in tensions within the global community. War is fantastic for the MIC and for propaganda - but terrible everywhere and everyone else... And (I think) most who have any sort of power or influence in China realise that any military actions are not in its long-term (or short term) best interests. China still has this ridiculous idea of face, and while it does want to keep that image, I think most people realise there are better ways to keep it than to antagonise your trade partners and neighbours. They also realise that Taiwan isn't going to just quietly assent to being ruled by a dictatorship (and, for that matter, neither are the 1.4 billion Chinese) - but it *would* perhaps consider changing its stance if China implemented much greater democratic reforms!
BTW - which aliens are you referring to for 'foot in the door'?? :p