"“They fetishize their secret society,” the official said. “It’s kind of a Skull and Bones-type vibe. They take it seriously but they have no accountability. Zero. There is a whole group of us that know in great detail this subject, a lot of which has not been reported to Congress because of security issues.”"
You have noticed it's from May of last year?
Still, yeah - that's definitely the same problem over a year later... and doesn't look like much is going to change just yet.
Here's an update from Matt Ford I forgot to post lol:
Matt: But, there has been something hidden from Congress. And here it is. When AARO was formed by Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick, he assembled a separate, secret council of advisors. A few people on Capitol Hill recently got wind of this and asked Kirkpatrick for the names of who was sitting on this secret council. Kirkpatrick refused to tell them. Why? I'll tell you why. Because some of these unelected officials who sit on the super-secret advisory council are the actual gatekeepers of the Legacy UAP crash recovery and back engineering program. I mean, seriously, talk about the fox guide, guarding the henhouse. You cannot make this shit up.
"And Dr. Kirkpatrick, sorry to break it to you, but these officials on Capitol Hill now have the list of names that are sitting on your little secret council. Congress and congressional staffers, this is really huge. It calls into question, what is going on AARO? Who is guiding it. And if you have one front-facing board that everyone knows about, but then you have something that's hidden from you and kept under wraps, and then you have at least two people that are are gatekeepers to the Legacy UAP crash retrieval and back engineering program, I mean, come on, you guys have to look into that." END
So Congress has the names. We're pretty far passed any of the officials having any excuses about not knowing things or "I do not recall".
Let's hope there's something tp this!
If this is true (and I need to search for it), then it should throw Kirkpatrick under the bus for deliberately deceiving congress in the hearing earlier this year.
However... I'm not finding anything to verify this claim... neither anything about Kirkpatrick withholding any names, nor that any names have been given to congress...
So, at the moment, it's looking much more like clickbait than anything real.
It's still hearsay and not an established fact, but "insiders" have used Ford and others as a soundboard before. It's also fairly routine for IC/mil backed people to lie to congress and has been for decades on UFO stuff. If Kirkpatrick does get called out it would be the exception to a long tradition. A more mundane topic where they lie/obfuscate and get away with it has been troop numbers, they deploy people and resources without any oversight all over the world.
As a side note, as long as we're still playing inside of the DoD "insider" sandbox we haven't really won - it's gotta come out and be public.