Sometimes i gotta breathe for a minute to digest some of the things we see and acknowledge through these projects, im now in a place, i believe, where im more receptive of these information in a way that i don't fall down to some lower vibrations or fear states, it's already not that shocking, it's more like i want to know more.
I think i understood correctly when Yemmé saw people being hostage, hence human trafficking once again but aparentely to the porpuse of creating an army of A.I. beings?!! common guys (oppressive) im starting to think you'll have an existential problem throughout the cosmos.
Im starting to question where All That Is is brought up into this.
So it's like in the future if there would be war not only could be with the oppressives but against also our brothers and sisters that are trapped in a A.I. hive system that is fighting against some other galactic forces spread out through several universes.. when fiction becomes more real than reality.
Also Intysam in conversations with that other individual was shown a power change in the solar system, several factions i wonder how is that going to influence Earth and specially humanity, this also remindes me of an ET News of Intysam session several months ago where she saw Essessani like beings arriving at a moon but on another parallel version of the moon and now she sees them again or deducted them, not to mention also this session goes hand to hand with another session of ET news where there was a meeting in the moon with several oppressive or factions that were deciding who's going to be in command of that structure.
It remindes me also another et news session, i believe from Azis last year, where there was on another planet a A.I. sentient creature being created, where they were downloading some type of consciousness into that developed creature and that the reptilians were also extremely focused upon. It was like a high level importance for them.
Im just connecting the dots because it seems we are seeing (of course) the development of something huge happening that is not having our attention. It's like i want to know what the heck is really going on out there while we are trapped here watching people being killed all the time, wonder also if that has anything to do with the black goo we saw in one of the projects.
Meanwhile with all this "Essessani" activity and the, what many in the spiritual community calls and also Bashar, the hybridization process, humans being mixed with hybrid grays.
And how is it the Reptilians are working on bringing disclosure (that's what you wanted isn't it?!) of course their version of disclosure but where does Free Will and other Rebels are in this picture?!
Maybe this could be a sugestion to Farsight on a new mistery project.. The Solar System Activity, who's factions, who's who, where are our Free Will "friends" in all of this, what are the oppressive doing with these activities and how is this solar system activity going to influence humanity here on Earth in the future.
Not to mention also while there's more and more et news projects focused on the activity that Courtney is capturing, wich, for me, is showing to be more and more important because it is directly connected with activity in Earth, it's also important to understand why those beings that Farsight talked with in other ET news ufo capturing activity, that are working with the oppressive and humans, that said to not judge them because there is a lot to be understood about their actions, what happened to them, what happened in the past that is letting to this reality that we are in.
I believe we need a bigger picture of what's happening on our door step.