The one issue I really have a BIG PROBLEM WITH, as Farsight has explained... which is that the so-called "Good ETs" believe in free will, but that they apparently are basing this observation or decision upon the agreements that our leadership has made with our captors. I completely disagree that this implies free will upon our individual parts -- we had no direct involvement in it, indeed we were unaware and never had a choice. Even in the apparent "lure" to the traps (The Light) is full of deception -- that is, having you believe something that is false -- that would never pass as "free will" in our justice system -- we call it coercion.
The Seth Material and no mention of death traps?
I completely understand your reasoning and I used to be inclined to agree. However I've been thinking about that recently and the problem lies in the word 'we'. Yes, 'you' would not have chosen those leaders but the majority did. The used their free will to do that. So untill 'we' choose the right leaders these good ET's have a point. So it's not fair to you and me but fair enough for the majority, unfortunately.
As for the white light: yes, that is not free will and the good et's agree (I think). But they cannot dismantle that system without our help. So in essence the same problem. 'Humanity is retarded' as Osho says. 'We' need to grow up. I wrote a whole book about this waking up. "Beyond Buddha" If you are interested...
Hi Forrest. For some reason I am unable to 'reply' to your comments.So I will post the other answers here.
The first one is about Brett Stuart:
1. Hi Forrest, Interesting. I know Brett Stuart and like him. I heard he took his video off YouTube and it is behind a paywall now. I would like to see it. I will try to find it. However: with all these different perceptions, I'm getting very careful in 'believing' anything now. There is the problem of 'them interpreting the data'. Therefore we need more groups like FS who look at the same problem and communicate between them to get some form of consensus.
And I agree that re-reading is worthwhile if you want to really study the stuff. However, assuming that Seth is a 'good guy'. I would reaaaaaaaly appreciate it if FS would have a look at 'him' to see if he is. I will post this suggestion in that thread.
On your second comment I completely agree.
My reply to your third comment is right behind the third one.
"The one issue I really have a BIG PROBLEM WITH, as Farsight has explained... which is that the so-called "Good ETs" believe in free will, but that they apparently are basing this observation or decision upon the agreements that our leadership has made with our captors. I completely disagree that this implies free will upon our individual parts -- we had no direct involvement in it, indeed we were unaware and never had a choice. Even in the apparent "lure" to the traps (The Light) is full of deception -- that is, having you believe something that is false -- that would never pass as "free will" in our justice system -- we call it coercion."
Yes, yes, and YES!!!!!
In fact, it makes more sense for that to be yet another part of the trap! Making people believe that they can't do anything until we change sounds like a great way to keep pushing those who have 'awakened' off into another spiral of nothing really changing! "Hope" can be a weapon to exploit people's weaknesses by creating inaction.
" Yes, 'you' would not have chosen those leaders but the majority did. The used their free will to do that. So untill 'we' choose the right leaders these good ET's have a point. So it's not fair to you and me but fair enough for the majority, unfortunately."
I disagree with this analysis. Who is this 'we' that you talk about? There's over 8 billion humans alive right now on this planet... Yet, when discussing this topic, the 'we' seems to only refer to a few (hundred) million - and virtually none of them know 'the truth' about things. Additionally, 'we' did not put into power the MIC and the likes - certainly not the vast majority of the human population.
There could be some sort of a case for some aspect of it - for example, the way the plandemic went down, one could say that the majority did go along with what they were told (but, as Forrest wrote - lies and deception = coercion).
Personally, I think that it's a pathetic excuse to cover up their fear! *IF* there wasn't any other interference, then the argument for non-interference would have more weight. But given that ET technology has already come into human hands, and given that there have been these deals made (with governments which have only a very small amount of the current human population support), then the argument becomes moot.
There's a nice saying (sometimes attributed to Confucius) - doing nothing is still doing something. Thus, doing nothing is just another choice, with consequences no different from 'interfering' (whatever that may mean). Taking up some small numbers of the human population isn't that much different from a full on "hey, here we are" over the top of, say, an Olympic Games opening ceremony!
Hi Shiningbrow: You say: "...the 'we' seems to only refer to a few (hundred) million."
I was and am referring to most humans, let's, for clarity, say about 90%. People everywhere choose 'wrong' governments. They don't seem to be able to do anything about all the injustice done everywhere. Greed and lust for power is everywhere on this planet. Take out one leader and they stand in line to replace him/her.
Do you guys also have a problem with the 'reply' button?
The forums feature of Vimeo really sucks terribly -- and the "Reply" doesn't work here, it's a bug that's existed for a long time. I've called Vimeo out on this *several* times, politely asking about their commitment to improving this -- never a response.
A proper forums feature should be threaded and easier to navigate -- this is very basic in design, suggesting they don't really care about it. Yet, here we are using it and it sucks. LOL
Our choice of governmental leaders, in the above context, is fickle. We know how our world generally operates (the few vs the many) --- but even Farsight has made it OBVIOUS that the "Bad ETs" are actively influencing the behavior, decisions and actions of important world leaders -- even causing "events" in the world. So what does that say about free will here? You see what I mean? I think that whole "Free Will" element is fraught with error and subject to interpretation.
I believe I grasp the "Good ETs" want for a more general Disclosure before they take open action against the "Bad ETs" (I wish we had more proper names). We all are hoping for this "soon" but it's so difficult to see this happening with all the distractions in our world -- in fact, and this is just my opinion, I would surmise that if this "secret" is so important to our government(s), that creating open warfare and other distractions would be used; the people suffering would be seen as "collateral damage".
We've never been "this close" to Disclosure in our history -- and it's dangling like a carrot. Knowing a bit about our predicament (the death traps, etc.) makes it even more torturous.
Firstly, about the reply button - I've emailed Courtney (as the site owner) a couple of times, and he's also been onto Vimeo. Ultimately, it's up to the FS group to decide how important this site is - on this server (and how difficult and expensive it might be to move it).
Secondly, about our 'free will' - according to the University of Gothenburg (Sweden), 70% of the world's population live under a dictatorship. I won't take this figure with a grain of salt, but I'm not accepting it 100% either. Certainly, we should be looking at the amount of control and censorship that is going on in people's lives, and how much 'free will' we actually have (odd... as I typed that, I missed an 'r' - so, "fee will" - I think that's somewhat appropriate!)
So, do you (or those 'good' ETs)) actually expect people to rise up against the tyranny, and risk getting themselves (and their friends and family) killed, tortured, maimed, disappeared?
Granted, the other 30% could maybe do something about it - yes? Well, not if that censorship is like what's being discussed in the US right now (aka 'disclosure') where information is being suppressed. Let's take the US as an example (mostly due to it's massive MIC and corrupt government over a large population)... It appears that the majority of the people want this disclosure to happen (although, it's not a BIG thing to most of them). And yet, this 'will of the people' is being ignored by the Pentagon and DoD. So - what to you expect them to do about it? "NO" is a powerful word, and that seems to be exactly what they are doing - simply saying 'no - we're not going to tell you. and Fuck the will of the people!"
@Forrest - it doesn't appear that this 'secret' is important to the "government", because said government is being ignored. I would even imagine that various government members have been bribed or threatened by those MIC people who want to keep it secret, and so if they're not fully pushing for disclosure, it's often because of this (they've also been kept in the dark, to not think that there's really anything to it... ).
Thanks Forrest for clarifying about Vimeo and the lack of 'reply' possiblity. Agreed.
Interesting addition Forrest about free will. Indeed we are pretty blind to what is happening and almost 'need' protection.
Also agree on the fact that we are very close to disclosure. Without any guarantee... but exactly that, could be what the 'good ET's' want from us.
Same reaction to Shiningbrow. We can also force disclosure if enough people continue to push for it, without violence. But there will definitely be casualties.
As a last remark: I've been looking into 'Seth Speaks' again after all these years, reading part of it here and there and I am more and more inclined to consider it a very clever diversion. It's like it's 'too theoretical' and not giving us any practical things to do and change. It's nowhere near what FS does to get disclosure.
Hubert, your comment about Seth resonates with me, as I had arrived at a frustrating point, years ago with this -- asking myself, there's a lot of dictum and theory, but I'm trying to find practical examples. There are "some" but I was feeling despondent about it, or that somehow I just couldn't grasp it well enough to make it useful to me. Then, there are a couple of people who have written books about the Seth Material and how to interpret it and use it... and I thought "oh the irony here".
I still love Seth, I just wish for more practical examples.
Ironically, I am "very" close to the original Seth Material -- I know the man that owns Jane's chair, much of the original typed material -- lots of unpublished stuff, too. Go look for "Seth Force" on Facebook, he's there. He will occasionally post large excerpts of unpublished Seth. His name is Ron Card, and he's a really cool guy!
I've been "on the fence" about channeled material in the past. There was a time when I was younger where I literally threw out a ton of books, except for Seth. That Farsight has mentioned Seth in a good light grants some validity for me -- but others like Bashar I have negative opinions of. But that's my problem.
Now back to FS. Courtney has been more frank in recent videos about FS being financially limited -- that has to be an incredible burden, perhaps in ways most don't consider -- for example, the Vimeo service has to be paid for, equipment, etc. I have to assume FS's viewers have daytime jobs, families, etc. But, FS has positioned itself where it is now and that carries a lot of liability yes, but responsibility too. I feel like if you broach the topic of DTs, you gotta keep pursuing it to release as much detail and commentary as possible. As Courtney has also pointed out: nobody else is doing what FS is. And here we are.
As for forums, I had suggested to Courtney some time ago that official FS forums could be established elsewhere -- there are free and paid services that provided threaded discussions; the latter being an issue, as a large membership might be costly. It's something I would consider, certainly, and I'd even agree to pay a nominal fee for that as well, to support it.
But for the time being we just have to accept this format and that Vimeo doesn't give a crap about it :-)
Hi Forrest. I just went to the FB Seth Force. You are also a moderator I see. Yes, great site for the enthousiasts.
You also mention Bashar (Darryl Anka), whom I also followed on and off, not paid. You also mention Courtney. It makes me see a pattern. Example: David Wilcock channeled 'Archangel Michael' (which immediately makes me suspicious, haha). He gets so much info (resembing 'The Law of One' material) that he's busy for two years writing it all down in 7 (!) books. These two years he's not doing much on the net. So 'Michael' kept him busy for these two important years. Michael also told him not to go on YouTube anymore which David (fortunately!) refused. But the material is good, I'm reading parts of it. Seth also flooded us with info and also The Law Of One and Bashar. These things keep the good guys (we, haha) away from doing the right thing, that is creating a better world/alternative.
I see the same with Michelle Whitedove (now deceased) and her crypto predictions which keep people busy and investing and not using that money to improve the world. So the material can be great (as Coutney says about Seth) but it is a diversion.
About FS: Courtney has said the viewers are being paid. So that's quite a financial burden on FS. Okay, over to you, haha.
Just a quick post about money... back in the original days of the 80's and 90's, Russell Targ 'boasts' about being able to predict the stock market with great accuracy - 9/9 hits the first time around, and making a nice pile of cash. (it failed the second time around because of lack of downtime between sessions - and one failure because Targ didn't listen to the viewer - so he says in his video!)
There's a 'sceptics' thread about RV on Reddit - and this point has been brought up - good RVers shouldn't need to ask for money from anyone - they can generate it themselves.