I believe Seth said that facing the North is the ideal position for sleep. I was recently thinking about that, actually.
My sleep is already messy, I can't imagine splitting it up -- especially with a full time job, where that would be impossible :) But I do like naps and find them helpful.
My understanding of the Death Traps is that it's managed by an AI core, though it does require regular maintenance otherwise. I would imagine whomever set up this system has, over time, grown it into a fantastic fantasy world that lures people into it (that's the primary goal, apparently, to get you to agree to enter it "through the light"). There must also be more advanced elements that we wouldn't understand -- such as its ability to work with your consciousness (and memories) to determine what triggers you (tempts you) to the trap, etc. It may be like a series of incredible virtual realities.
I read that not everyone in the DT is incarnated, so I wonder where the others are "stored" -- so there would need to be things for them to engage in, to keep them "in" and "occupied with" the system. This being a system that has evolved over millennia.
As for our memories, I read that we get "zapped" and returned here with a "blank slate" so to speak, but from other readings I believe that ultimately our identity and memories are still maintained at the ISBE level.
There is a LOT we (I) don't know about these traps, how they work, etc. I've been encouraging Farsight to invest more time into discussing them, as I feel it is THE most important thing for people to know, which would be very supportive of Disclosure.
There are many elements of this phenomenon I don't understand -- contradicting stories, different theories. But it's clear that our cultures have been aware of the Death Traps throughout history (ie: the Gnostic "Archons").
In Farsight's latest Harvey video, it is suggested that we can look for help when we pass on, that there are others ("the good ETs") operating to try and free us. But your belief systems would need to permit for that.
Back to Seth. His material is so intellectually rich, but I can imagine he may have left a breadcrumb trail of clues -- I just don't know what they would be outside of his emphasis on our belief systems and how utterly important that is to our experience of reality. I also find it horrifying that, in that theory, I would have co-created being in this "prison" reality -- something I'd like to not be in, in this context and in a limited container.
Finally, I wonder what it's like to be alive, free of any of this DT tech and in a body (or "container") that allows for your full faculties to operate.
Hopefully within our present incarnations we will get our answers and become free of the DT.