So a directed energy weapon. And we see and hear of great big explosions of factories (food plants) of regions in California and that it was said by witnesses to be directed energy weapons. Is there a tit or tat war going on ? You blo-w up my factory and I'll bl-ow up your city --or is it all coincidence ?
And of course you can go on line right now and see stories that Global warming was the cause of the Hawaii fire
If farsight is remote viewing it- then there is a war going on.
Russia, USA, China - Alien mischief ? I have seen theories on Giza Death Star that it is some kind of war going on.
Weather can be used and controlled as well to wipe out cities. Are some of these hurricanes --world wide-- hitting china and or Florida being strengthened with energy weapons ? What's the common factor ? Maybe satellite energy used in different ways are being used by both sides (or should it be 3 different groups).
Has the war in Ukraine spread out to this energy satellite war ? Maybe ?!! Farsight isnt suppose to remote view military targets. And yet how can you avoid them if this kind of stuff is going on ? Oh I have also heard with satellite weapons by using some kind of pulsing system one can trigger earth quakes as well. If one side can do it - then the other side can do the same thing.
A hidden war and all the time groups can say -- ITS THE SIGN OF THE END TIMES - AS SAID IN THE BIBLE--its the time of the Rapture as written in Revelations ! Let us all pray -Gods wrath will spare us ! Amen brothers and sisters -- AMEN !