The Christian Position
The Christian position is not incompatible to Farsight. They agree with the large body of knowledge in essence so far. I might say "we" agree because I converge in the same community though I suppose I tend to have unique views compared to my present surroundings. I was drawn to post on it after brief reflection.
Christians don't typically disagree with the UAP - extraterrestrial / extradimensional link. They'll often say "oh it's real allright" but they'll usually come to the shared conclusion that we can call those the Nephilim. And they're not good news for us. They disdain the likes of Dr. Greer and Bashar (at least in so far as the peace and love mantra). They agree that all this cloak and dagger stuff is evidence that they're not here for helping. And the basic premise of Jesus and prophets of the Abrahamic religions is still fitting to the Farsight findings. We were told many times that this is a "fallen" world. One ruled by a corrupt king (queen, sure, whatever), who has disdain for those that claim higher authority and can't stand being "second best". Christians implore that part of being noble and good is to accept being a follower, a subservient, to the proper authority. And trying to be the highest authority leads to nothing but evil.
They agree that our job here is to find peace, at the very least as a unified race; and should any of us be placed in some sort of rule, we must rule with compassion. They also agree that peace is not to be found by pandering to the likes of others just because they possess higher technology. They are equally annoyed, if not more so, when we hear the rhetoric of "it's ok man, just reach out to the stars, take in some ayahuasca, they're our friends you have to connect with them spiritually, they're here to help you bro. And you'll learn that you're the universe, and the universe is you. And eternity is this moment, and everything is the one thing . . . " They agree that peace and compassion is also a position of prudence and sternness. Not fruity wavering hippy speak, but actual serious study, action with conviction.
Unfortunately the Lucifer project caused some collateral damage. Not that I say it's wrong, remote viewers just find what they find. I might just call it a bad PR move essentially. Especially since all the pizzagate freaks have ties with "Luciferan" masonry, it doesn't help the way that language is headed. As for Satan (saturn) we have yet to learn if that's a central platform for the wardens operating this planet.
As for Jesus, from the sound of it, he indeed (the Jesus that is for the sake of being, as the Airl lingo would have it) is aligned with the "New Jerusalem." Milk it. Bring him in. Let him make a *true* second coming on Cavalry, while the enemy will possibly try to holograph their own. They all agree there's a judgment day / Revelation / ascension. Where you'll just have to choose which way you're gonna go.
My main point is that on the world stage, Christians are a heavy swingstate. We'll throw out the baby with the bathwater if we don't make some effort in seeing eye to eye. It gets complicated when you try to adapt Christianese with the lingo of the new age movement and all of its many splinters. But the basic premise is intact. "Yes, you are correct! We're in a fallen world and every worldly authority you can name is ultimately a machination of its true ruler, whom is you guessed it: evil! for the time being. And the one true king won't be found unequivocally in your political rhetoric, your schools, your government - no not even the extra secret amazing technologies they haven't told you anything about. You have to find what true archeology tells us and you have to go inward and look for the authority there (and no, inward does not mean yourself alone. Because you are still not the bigshot of everything)."