For those who didn't catch up with these events on stream media about ufo's whitlesblowers i leave you with this statement.
Also a new discussion and change of statements "between" Dr. Steven Greer and David Grush's Where Dr. Steven Greer release today revealing he had mentored David Grush's. Don't know if any of these allegations made by Dr. Steven Greer are true or if David Grush's really did this statement since the same doesn't have social media.
But somehow all of this started to remind me of some allegations ( idon't know if it was Courtney or other person), when he talked about the government disclose the ufo program but at the same time going after those whistleblowers that already were, for decades, whitleblowing the secret space program SSP and also new age community that channel ET's and so on.
Anyway below are some of the links of this discussion.
Also to mentioned one very important subject in regards with remote viewing, just saw today, or had a flash view on this interview with Jordan Peterson and Brian Roemmele - Artificial Intelengence Researcher talking about Ingo Swan and the military department of remote viewing.
Seeing remote viewing being displayed in the social media like this is always good, at least from my point of view.
Not only remote viewing but also hipnose discussions.