I came across this short video and I think it can help in some understanding of RV
You Are Not Located in Time and Space
(6minutes 48 seconds duration)
Youtube description -
How is it possible that you exist outside of space and time? Can the mind even grasp the idea that consciousness exists beyond your senses?
Rupert explains that the body is the instrument through which consciousness perceives itself as the world but that doesn't mean that it is located behind your eyes. The physical body is only a physical body from the limited point of view of perception. It's made of mind — of thinking and perceiving.
But that which is perceiving your current experience is perceiving through the faculties of sense perception, yet it is not located anywhere in the time and space that seems to be real in the waking state. The knowing with which we know our experience is dimensionless. It's in another realm. Time and space are a manifestation of this eternal infinite realm of consciousness which has no dimension.