Thank you for throwing in a bit of critical thinking!
Personally, I wouldn't want someone like that as a neighbour... too naive, probably too preachy. Way too gullible! (and, completely unwilling to accept just how badly wrong they could be - or to give good evidence!)
Back in my younger years, I went through all the new age stuff... learned about crystal healing, did Reiki, learned to put together an astrology chart from scratch, looked over palmistry, and was even pretty good at doing the cards - past, present, and future!
Not questioning anything, and not seeking verifiable evidence is a bad way to go through life. It also makes one pretty hypocritical when one is exceptionally critical of anything a government might do or say!
yes, many of the ETs will have the jump on us. However, not all the ETs are going to have those sorts of abilities, and the level of them may not be so high or refined. But, it's a good thing to keep in mind!
I have posed the question - what would be sufficient evidence that the entity one is channelling is a) capable of anything more than just a voice in the head, and b) benevolent? (For that matter, what sort of evidence would be required if 'God' came up to you and said "hi"? I think most people lack discernment, and imagination! "I can show you the universe and how it was created!!!" - Yeah? So can LSD... now, what's tomorrow's lottery numbers? (come on, you're God - this is easy stuff!... oh, I see... somehow that's immoral and unethical.... while letting little kids on the other side of the planet die isn't... hmmmmmmm)