theres a lot of evidence that this population control begin more affectevely by the years of 1929 in WW1. this is an all scheme from my research by the opressive forces with a more coooperation by the time Eisenhower did the hummanity agreements with ET's. They have created a world with the sol pourpose of population control. everything we eat is poison to the point that alters our biology, vacinnes given to kids, what these kids eat, plastic in all of our day to day life, wich now we are finding out that plastics release chemicals the disrupts our hormonal balance in man and women, women that are becoming more steril. tap water poisoned for decades with chemicals that now we know just because they say its safe to drink its far from safe, hormonal disrupters in our food that for decades disrupts the cellular transmission of testosterone in man and women. now they found that all of this cames from decades ago because in every 200 people now one has sexual deformations. Pandemics wars and even weather control created by them in order to bring what they call a balance in human population growth. Water and pesticides filled with disruptors / pesticides that in some countries were forbidden many many years ago are still being creates and use like antrazine in our food and water, birth control pills aren't filtered as much in the water, human / cognitive programming by the media. Today the man / masculine is starting to being extinct. this is something that the elites do want because they are the ones who put themselves on the front lines in war and could fight the opressive forces, even the way children are born in the hospital is a very disrupted spiritual way, theres a reason why were always the women and ususally the most ancient one of the collective that help the woman in their pregnant period and helped in the process of giving birth. Theres evidence that in ancient times the population in the world was about 100billion people, bu this is something they dont tell us today, in that time there was a more coesive way of living with nature. Now they are trying to indocrinating children with narratives that disrupt their connection spiritually speaking, for they are the adults that could in few years that could fight back the globalist agenda.