There is too much focus on Technology and the physical world in general. There is almost no knowledge being gained and shared that pertains to enlightenment and amassing spiritual power.
The simple bottom line that must be accepted is that Technology Will Not Free You.
Even if you were to disable the death traps physically, the oppressors could come back in at any time with more, and nuke the planet to catch all the souls and go somewhere else that is still under their complete control.
While technology can HELP defend and protect a civilization, it can only do so much. The ONLY way to escape is by attaining moksha, Gnosis, Enlightenment, Existential Dominion & Sovereignty. It is the Only Way.
The more you cling tightly to the things of this life, the less free you will be because the old empire holds power over it all.
Technology is only a crutch, and no one is coming to heal you and save you because that is impossible. You need to do this all on your own.
You need to take responsibility for yourself, for your suffering, for your position, pain, and your own free will.
The only thing that keeps bringing you back here is you. Your pain. Your fear. Your loss. Your missplaced faith. Your attachment to this world.
There is nothing keeping you here but you.
The reason why you come back is because after the severe pain, suffering, and loss of this life, the white light seems to be the only thing that can heal you, and so you go in willingly because of your trauma, hoping to heal and live in heaven, but only being tortured by the death lightning in the end, and having your mind flayed open and controlled.
After being wiped, you are implanted with false memories which are mostly false promises made by the system like: “you will have a beautiful and wonderful life. You will have unlimited sexual gratification. You will have so much love and peace, arent you excited?”
These false promises influence your mind, and then heart because of their heavy emotional content and influence, and they then become the foundation of your next life, influencing and deciding what you do, what you love, how you think, and how you act. The subconscious memory of these emotions and false memories and promises is what causes the radiant happiness of childhood.
They have full spectrum dominance over this place, and when all you know and love is only among this earth, they have power over all of you.
This place was designed to override free will.
When you use pain to make someones mind so small that they can’t remember anything, you have complete control over what they think and act when you put them in a new and unfamiliar environment which you control completely.
When you stuff someone ones soul in a physical body to make them so weak that they cant use their powers and control their energy, and focus on anything but the material, you can control them and make them blind and reluctant and fearful and dependent on you completely because you control all of the resources and physical things in the world. They will worship you, and you can make them suffer and work as long as you want.
When you use trauma and emotional deviation to make someones heart so weak that they need to cling to the physical world, or the idea of “a god that they must obey”, or other people, or drugs, or anything else for stability, you can control what they desire, and how they spend their entire life because you have complete control of every aspect of their current existence.
They control you by keeping you in their sphere of influence, which is this physical planet and all of its resources, ideas, people, philosophies, pleasures, pains, false information, and opportunity.
If you do not know who you really are, you will not escape, because all that you know will be of this Earth.
If you cannot learn to control and maintain your own being, you will escape, because this Earth and your body has control of it, like the banks of a river.
If you cannot learn to get out of body and gain sovereignty over your thoughts, energy, and actions, you will not escape, because this place fills you with other thoughts, other energies, and makes you victim to other actions.
If you cannot let go of everything here, you will not escape, because everything here is under their control.
You’re still here because they have control of your mind, soul, and most importantly, Heart.
Enlightenment, Gnosis, and purification are the only way to leave.
I am currently stuck with an addiction to Xanax and other medications to help me cope with depressions, axiety and panic attacks. My strategy has sadly been about trusting in the medications and putting my hope in outside forces to help me, until I leave this world? Im 50 years old and I'm done being a "Victim" and looking outwards for solutions.
These entities shouldnt have any problems with controlling the remote viewers feed-back and bring more fear of death, fear of living etc, etc into our lives! I believe Remote viewing is an important tool,but we shouldnt see it as a Gospel or a future of horror, set in stone!