This page is dedicated to the footage Captured, Notes, and Discussions for my participation in the Farsight UFO Filming.
Date Taken: 14th January 2023
I have just watched the Jan 15th 2023 Intelligence Briefing by Courtney on Youtube, where has explained some of the technical requirements being used by FS for the capture of UFO/UAP for the Project.
The footage capture I present here was not done in that manner, as I jumped the gun on the how's and why's - but I will be following the techniques suggested when I have the set up required to capture such footage.
ETA: The footage is now available on Youtube -
currently it is unlisted but will be made public soon -
you can watch it here though -
UFO - Blue Mountains Skies - NSW Australia Ep.1
I find that viewing the footage on a device where you can magnify the screen - such as a mobile phone - gives better clarity of the anomaly - but you will be able to see it on a laptop of desktop screen regardless.
The footage was taken on a Samsung S10+ and Super Slow Motion speed.
It is 14 seconds in duration.
There is footage prior to the UFO capture and after it (all data preserved) which will not be available unless requested as I need to preserve the integrity of the footage and all segments of the video shoot.
ETA #2 - The video has also been posted to:
Phantoms and Monsters website: COSMIC UFO RECORDED
Please let me know your thoughts and comments as well.
eta 3RD May 23 - (phone model number)